Clown trigger temporary addition


I have a 5" humu, 4.5" niger, and a roughly 14" SFE in a 90. My friend has run into a problem and wants me to house his 6" clown trigger in my 90 for a couple weeks. Any opinions on what will be the outcome? The humu is about as aggressive as the niger. The niger will often instigate a conflict. Thanks a lot.


I am friends with an LFS that usually is capable of accepting my aggressive table scraps. He is in the middle of a 33 saltwater tank addition which will be done in about a month. He usually has room for any fish i need to get rid of. After the addition he will have plently of room.My friend might need to get rid of the clown....he is in the middle of an interesting financial situation. I think the clown will be the most aggressive in the tank(i have observed his behavoir in my friends tank multiple times).



Originally posted by Armageddon
I have a 5" humu, 4.5" niger, and a roughly 14" SFE in a 90. My friend has run into a problem and wants me to house his 6" clown trigger in my 90 for a couple weeks. Any opinions on what will be the outcome? The humu is about as aggressive as the niger. The niger will often instigate a conflict. Thanks a lot.

I would advise against it. that sounds pretty crowded for a 6" clown trigger. I would predict aggression, with little "get out of the way room" :eek: I just sold my 3 1/2" clown trigger. In my 125, he would roam the whole tank, & either chase, or push the other fish out of the way, & started to tear my 4" purple tang up, & nip at my 3" Humma. Needless to say, he's in a new home now


New Member
i have learned one thing you cant predict what fish will do you can only try and see, i have a 54 gallon full of triggers and they are all fine ,triggers dont usually like other fish only triggers . clown triggers can definitly take care of themselves this i know.