Clown Trigger


New Member
I am interested in getting a Clown Trigger, but the local stores here are very expensive, I cannot find one for less than $130, is there a better place to get them, or do any of you out there want to get rid of one....I will buy it from you. Let me know.
Bryan in Neptune Beach, FL


Active Member
it is possible, but i relly doubt that you will find one much cheaper, 100$ maybe, anyhow, you do realize that they get 20+ inches, what size tank do you have?? they need a really large tank(i think a 135 or something like that, they are reallly beautiful fish


I've seen clown triggers for as little as $60 online at certain websites and I also know that during the summer months, at least up here in new england, the price drops do about the same at the lfs. I think it has to do with seasonal availability. I would recommend getting one online though because all fish I've gotten were in excellent health/condition.


New Member
Clown Triggers are definately great looking fish. The only thing is they really need a big tank. (140gal).
Check out the online stores. I know that you can get them a lot cheaper than $135 (depending on size of course.)
Check out
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Or our friends at
<a href="|stuff.dat|Triggerfish|merchant=saltwaterfish" target="_blank">|stuff.dat|Triggerfish|merchant=saltwaterfish</a>
Hope that helps...