clown trigger


i saw a clown trigger in a jbj 12 gallon nano tank at my lfs and the owner said it would be fine i would have to agree with him because the clown has been in there for about 6 months now and has only gotten to a size of about 3 inches i wanted to wait a while to see if he would put him in his jbj 24 gallon but he has not and said he will be keeping him in there for the time being, i love the clown triggerfish and was wondering would i have the same success he has had he guarantees it but i want some more opinions before i spend that kind of money on the tank not fish because he will replace it at no extra cost if anything happens thats how confident he is let me know people my first post


well can someone let me know please as i have been in the hobby for years and truthfully i dont really know what to think help :help:


HELLLL NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! A 24 gallon is absolutely not a suitable environment for a clown trigger, much less a 12 gallon. These are one of the most aggressive species of aquarium fish. The only reason that one is probably still alive is that they are very hardy but clown triggers grow very large.
:scared: :scared:


I have a clown trigger in a 180 G he was 5" when I got him and in about four months he has grown almost two inches. He is very active a swims the length of the tank all day. I would not house one in less than a 180 G as the do grow at a fast rate when given proper food and space to swim (exercise) not to mention the bioload of the fish. Do as I did wait to get one until you have the proper setup the wait will be worth it.
To show the size the reach I have attached a pic of mine. The pic is about a month old in the bottom of the pic is a 4" PVC pipe that have turned purple to give you an idea of his size.


Camaro03- Absolutely beautiful Clown Trigger!! They are one of my most favorite fish, but can't have one with my shark. What else do you have in the tank with him?


He is in with a Harlequin Tusk, Blue Tang, Sailfin tang, blue spotted puffer,mated pair of black clarkii clowns , and five various damsels about 1"-1.5" The Clowntrigger was introduced last and get along with everyone even the damsels.
What kind of shark do you have any pics


Camaro03- I have an adult male Brown Banded Bamboo Shark, he is about 2 1/2 feet. I have posted quite a few pics of him in other posts, but here is one for you.


Active Member
Back on topic...
Triggerluv, I'd say your LFS is a moron, honestly. As someone else said, most Trigger species are slow growers. If given the proper habitat and feeding, that Clown will max out at around 10" and be a very beautiful, territorial killer.


well i would have to say he is not but i am going to go ahead and try to keep a clown in a 24 dlx even a 12 to me sounds just a tad to small if you know what i mean oh by the way who knows i might be putting a baby clown in my 24 dlx will knows what i mean


Active Member
I think that is a cruel mistake. But others have said the same. If you know anything about these fish, then it is a very bad decision. I wish you would take into account the opinions of people who have experience with this fish, and who are NOT trying to make money off you.
And you must be content with not keeping anything else in that tank. Because with a clown trigger in too small of a certainly won't get anything else in there that will enjoy a long life :(


Active Member
I’d think with a name like Triggerluv you’d have done a lot research on the fish and know that a 24gal nano is way too small. Not only will he outgrow a tank that small but keep in mind that they are messy eaters and keeping the water stable will be difficult.


Active Member
Originally Posted by triggerluv
my friend keeping a 1 gallon nano is very difficult but it has been done

Humm, I thought we were talking about a 24gal nano with a Clown Trigger? I don’t remember seeing anything about a 1gal nano


Active Member
People who are concerned about the welfare of animals are not closed minded. They are asking you, in fact, to be open minded to the issues that some things are more important than what an individual WANTS. Although we don't have an ocean, it is generally agreed that there are certain minimum tank sizes to afford a certain degree of comfort to animals. Responsible hobbyists should not be driven to do things simply because they can be done, IMO.
Just important to keep that perspective in mind. You did ask for opinions on this. One person at the LFS said it would be fine, and he would also benefit from your $$$$. Most (everyone?) hear said "no way." You can choose to ignore that I guess. :notsure:


thats the thing you are closed minded when it comes to minimum tank sizes try new things and see what happens 2 results it works it doesnt work then you upgrade


Active Member
Why did you even start this thread if you weren’t going to listen to what was posted? I guess everyone who gave their advice is close minded and you obviously know what you’re doing