Clown Trigger???


I know clown triggers are beautiful fish, and I really want one I just don't want it to kill anything in my tank. I have a FOWLR 210 gal., if anyone could please tell me of some experiences or suggestions, your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and knowledge.


Active Member
The bigger the tank, the better off you are...
But, these are one of the most aggressive Triggers you can own. As they grow, their territory gets bigger and anything in that territory is/will be dead.
From personal experiance, I wouldnt keep one in anything less than a 300 - 400gal. tank unless you see every tank mate as expendable, at some point in time.


These fish are mean but i dont think that mean my lfs as one with a blue trigger and a angle the LFS guy said he wont bother the angle because its not a threat as long as its around the same szie its fine, then he said if the fish is to small the clown will eat it, and he showed me with a minnow droped it in and the fish went nuts execpt the angle


IMO a 210 is big enough for a clown trigger. I've kept a couple of these guys and as the others said, they can be very aggressive. I have only kept them with other triggers and eels but I haven't had trouble with them killing everything in their path. Of course with aggressive fish, they can be unpredictable. I'd make this a trigger tank if you want a clown. You may also be able to get away with an eel and maybe a grouper.


Active Member
Clowns are like Queens...eventually, it's gonna be a one Trigger tank. It's a big risk to take.


Active Member
I would say it could be done for quite awhile, like years. But like what AW2 said, they will need a tank that is 300+


Active Member
300+ give me a break, ihad one in my 10 gallon nano for about 3 weeks with a perc clown, firefish, maroon,and a yellow tail, though it was a baby it was still fine and of course you can not keep one in a 10 gallon for the rest of its life but you can def keep one in your tank no questions asked, but what do you have in there, that will make a big diff, and also 300+ is way to extreme, this is what makes me mad,false info given to someone who is looking for an honest opinion.


Active Member
IME, they need extremely large systems with time. One of the more belligerent species of triggerfish. Every individual is different, for sure, but you take your chances with keeping them in smaller systems (under 200+g). I would agree that long term, you are looking at several hundred gallons....the larger, the better. Experience with them long term is more predictable that short term. Juveniles and adults are different. There is no false information there at all.
I think saying that they could EVER be kept for any period in a 10g tank with other tank mates (especially peaceful ones) is just as false and extremely misleading if we are passing judgement. That is my opinion on it. IMO, feel free to disagree with AW2 but leave your personal dislike aside. Being conservative on tank size - especially with a fish like this - is not giving false information, IMO. It is giving out opinions which is what the board is about. This is not a fish to make too many assumptions about. The bigger the tank, the better. That is an honest answer to an honest question.


Active Member
I have a 210 and I would not get a Clown Trigger to go with the tank mates I have...
2" fish in a 10 gallon is one thing...a Couple 15" fish and a 210 starts looking awfully small...Make one a "known" trouble maker and what can you expect except for him to make trouble...
By himself in a 210...maybe one other solid no nonsense fish...maybe..
If you want more than a single species tank...I also would suggest bigger for the long haul...


Active Member
well i have pics to prove that he was in there for over 3 weeks, so please dont tell me, and iam not being mean but here are the pics



Active Member
so please dont tell me what works bc i have first hand knowledge on what to do as far as keeping a clown in a 10 gallon with a firefish one of the most peacefull fish the aquarist can have and a perc, a maroon, and a yellow tail, its not his permanent home as i will state again but it can be done for a short while and deff a tank of his size (the guy who started the thread)

nm reef

Active Member
I am by no means a expert on any aspect of fish and/or reefkeeping...but based on the information I have had access to it seems the information posted in regard to the requirements of a clown trigger are accurate. They are aggressive and grow large....ANY fish species can be kept in less than ideal conditions for a limited time with limited success....but the majority of the hobbyists I respect attempt to provide optimum conditions and not minimal conditions for a short period of time. If I were ever to consider a clown trigger it would "START" with a well established 240 gal system....MINIMUM!!!
On a side seems the point of the reported post is more of a "personal" issue than a "content" issue and this site would be better served with less personal confrontation. But.....that may indeed be my personal opinion.


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
so please dont tell me what works bc i have first hand knowledge on what to do as far as keeping a clown in a 10 gallon with a firefish one of the most peacefull fish the aquarist can have and a perc, a maroon, and a yellow tail, its not his permanent home as i will state again but it can be done for a short while and deff a tank of his size (the guy who started the thread)
I agree with Puffer. It can be done and 300+ gallons is way to extreme. A 210 gallon would perfectly house a clown trigger as long as it is kept with other large aggressive fish such as puffers, groupers, large angels and eels.


Originally Posted by NM reef
I am by no means a expert on any aspect of fish and/or reefkeeping...but based on the information I have had access to it seems the information posted in regard to the requirements of a clown trigger are accurate. They are aggressive and grow large....ANY fish species can be kept in less than ideal conditions for a limited time with limited success....but the majority of the hobbyists I respect attempt to provide optimum conditions and not minimal conditions for a short period of time. If I were ever to consider a clown trigger it would "START" with a well established 240 gal system....MINIMUM!!!
On a side seems the point of the reported post is more of a "personal" issue than a "content" issue and this site would be better served with less personal confrontation. But.....that may indeed be my personal opinion.
I think we are mature enough to handle a thread. there has not been any personal issues yet IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
I am by no means a expert on any aspect of fish and/or reefkeeping...but based on the information I have had access to it seems the information posted in regard to the requirements of a clown trigger are accurate. They are aggressive and grow large....ANY fish species can be kept in less than ideal conditions for a limited time with limited success....but the majority of the hobbyists I respect attempt to provide optimum conditions and not minimal conditions for a short period of time. If I were ever to consider a clown trigger it would "START" with a well established 240 gal system....MINIMUM!!!
On a side seems the point of the reported post is more of a "personal" issue than a "content" issue and this site would be better served with less personal confrontation. But.....that may indeed be my personal opinion.
well it is far from personal, bc i hate it when people feed false information, i will say it again people like you guys years ago thought it was impossible to keep a nano tank and now it has become the big craze and so will a clown trigger in smaller tanks than you guys are saying. bottom line there would not be such a high demand for this fish if it were not able to survive in a 210 or less or destroy its tank mates, this fish can be easily kept in a tank of that size, there are not to many people out there that have 300-400 gallon tanks and thats a fact, so therefore this fish would not be on such high demand, imo please dont feed false info and trust me agsv it can be done in your 210, just let me know what you have in there


Active Member
Again, it is opinion, and not "false information" just as your opinion that you can keep them in a 10g nano tank is your opinion. Whether you like it or not, it is the purpose of these boards to exchange information, and not everyone agrees with everyone else. It makes it a bit more "real" that way.
I am not entirely sure, from the tone of the original poster, that he just wants the OK to do this. It seems that he may actually want experiences and perspectives...diverse or not...that is to be commended.
But certain things will never be a accepted by responsible hobbyists, and that is putting large, energetic and aggressive fish into systems FAR too small for them. There is a difference between wedging inappropriate animals in tiny spaces, and learning how to care for that tiny space. There is little we can learn about keeping animals in smaller and smaller spaces and keep them healthy. Certain things we just don't have control over. Sure, you can DO IT, but it may not be working well for the animal. There are animals suited to smaller tanks; stick with them.
I've certainly seen clown triggers in several thousand gallon systems and can't picture them in smaller tanks.


Originally Posted by puffer24/7
well it is far from personal, bc i hate it when people feed false information, i will say it again people like you guys years ago thought it was impossible to keep a nano tank and now it has become the big craze and so will a clown trigger in smaller tanks than you guys are saying. bottom line there would not be such a high demand for this fish if it were not able to survive in a 210 or less or destroy its tank mates, this fish can be easily kept in a tank of that size, there are not to many people out there that have 300-400 gallon tanks and thats a fact, so therefore this fish would not be on such high demand, imo please dont feed false info and trust me agsv it can be done in your 210, just let me know what you have in there

Correct. That's not false information nor opinion but facts. Nano tanks were thought to be impossible but now look how popular they are. Obviously they are popular because they are successful. And by the way ophiura, how could you not picture a clown trigger in anything less then a couple thousand gallon aquariums. There is no way an average person can maintain a thousand gallon aquarium let alone a 300+ gallon aquarium. Thats absurd! I don't think this fish would be popular if it killed all its tankmates and required a jubo size aquariums and if it were true that these fish required such size aquariums, no one would have this fish. And for those people that are saying that clown triggers need an aquarium of 300+ gallons without first hand experience then you are just basically wasting time and space on this thread.


Active Member
I have a better idea...
When you actually have...or have had...a 15" fish in "any" size tank...for any "reasonable" period of time ...say Two -Three years minimum...(not a 2" fish in a 10 gallon tank for 3 weeks) can come back and share your...personal...and "real life" experiances...and you may even have some "credibility" to your "opinion"....
Till then, I would suggest taking a step back...and listening to those that "have" experiance...
And this goes for anyone watching or following these types of threads...
Whenever you see a difference of opinion and don't know who to believe...Just ask...
"Show me the Money"...or better yet.."Show me your tank and fish"...
Then you'll know who is in the "know"...