clown trigger

Okay for all of you who have succesfully kept clown triggers in the past what worked out for you? What size tank did you have? Did you have any other fish with him? Do they really interact with humans as well as I have read? Thanks!

small triggers

Active Member
my clown is not as interactive as my picasso or my niger. OH i have him with a bluejaw, niger,and picasso triggers, a flame hawkfish, 2 marroon clowns and a foxface in a 150 :) they can be mean (attack my hand when i put it in the tank to clean, move powerheads,,,,) And in about 3-5 years ill have to pair down because they get BIG

el guapo

Active Member
Long term your going to need a large tank 180 or bigger . You will end up with one fish in there weather you want it to be that way or not . The clown will start to kill the other fish . More than likely it will just snap and kill everything in a day .
I know its not what you want to hear but its the truth .
Hey small triggers what size were your fish when added? Did you add them in any order? How long have they been together? That sounds like a sweet tank! Thanks

small triggers

Active Member
they have been together almost 2 years. smaller than 2 inches all of them when i added them in my 35g at the beginning. I do agree that in a few years it will only be one or 2 fish in there(if i try to keep them all?), but for a while they will be fine.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
. More than likely it will just snap and kill everything in a day .

The way you put. Just makes it sound like a dude who just got fried and goes back to work with a mask like your avatar and a .12 gauge.
That really sucks. I was thinking about getting a baby. How long do they take to grow? I have a Huma Huma and a Blue spotted Puffer and SFE


How about putting an eel with an agressive trigger like a clown or undulate? Would the triggers kill the eel too?
Just curious about the long term life of clowns in a aggressive tank. How long might that be a couple of years, maybe 3 if bought as a juvi? Has anyone experienced the clown wiping out their tank firsthand? Thanks


I've never owned a clown but triggers live a long time in the right conditions. I know someone who's had a crosshatch trigger for 5 years and it's still alive and doing well. And he got it when it was 6".