Clown Trigger


Active Member
Ok, so I see the clown trigger is on sale here and was curious what you all though.
1 volitan lionfish 5 inches
2 foxface 5 inch
3 scopus tang 4 inches
4 snowflake eel 1 plus foot small mouth :)
125 gallon tank
Do you think they would get along alright ? The others are all fine together no problems at all and the lionfish is a newcomer a couple weeks in this tank and doing great.
I have some coral in it and will obviously zoos and a elegance.


Originally Posted by Fats71
Ok, so I see the clown trigger is on sale here and was curious what you all though.
1 volitan lionfish 5 inches
2 foxface 5 inch
3 scopus tang 4 inches
4 snowflake eel 1 plus foot small mouth :)
125 gallon tank
Do you think they would get along alright ? The others are all fine together no problems at all and the lionfish is a newcomer a couple weeks in this tank and doing great.
I have some coral in it and will obviously zoos and a elegance.
Clown triggers and anything is a bad call IMO, but a clown trigger and a lion is a very bad idea IMO. Lion fish are trigger toys. JMHO


Oh, and I have seen a clown trigger take out a snowflake eel as well.

el guapo

Active Member
Clown trigger and lion fish in a tank will mean you will have a clown trigger with a full belly . . .


Active Member
We seem in agreement....I was at a nice LFS yesterday that had about a 9 inch Clown Trigg someone had traded in, he was the only fish at the store with a tank to himself. He seemed to prefer it that way.


Active Member
Story with that 9 inch was it had a $299 price tag, but the store manager told me that was just to scare off "75 gallon community tank guy" that thought it looks cool. He said he would sell it for $75 to a reasonable home.


Problem is not many people are willing to dedicate a large tank to just one fish. So the store will probably have that trigger for a long time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Problem is not many people are willing to dedicate a large tank to just one fish. So the store will probably have that trigger for a long time.
on the other site people are saying they have them in their tanks with lions but im going to pass seems too big of a risk.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fats71
on the other site people are saying they have them in their tanks with lions but im going to pass seems too big of a risk.
In this hobby; someone has kept every possible combination of least for a while. Lions & triggers seem like a logical combination. But, more often than not, an aggressive trigger will shred a lion. A clown trigger is 10 steps beyond "aggressive" and the lion will usually become a defenseless chew-toy for the CT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
In this hobby; someone has kept every possible combination of least for a while. Lions & triggers seem like a logical combination. But, more often than not, an aggressive trigger will shred a lion. A clown trigger is 10 steps beyond "aggressive" and the lion will usually become a defenseless chew-toy for the CT.
Like I said too big of a risk.


Yeah, I'm seeing more and more people with clown triggers in community tanks, on other forums not here. Definitely a risk if you're willing to do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Yeah, I'm seeing more and more people with clown triggers in community tanks, on other forums not here. Definitely a risk if you're willing to do it.
It would be interesting to follow up with these folks in a year or so. I'd bet the farm that 90%+ of these "risks" end up as mistakes. Anything can work short term. I've had a weird theory (I have a lot of "weird" areas) for a long time. I think when you take a fish off the reef and move it into your tank, the fish (especially juvis) goes through so much stress that their behavior can be turned upside-down. However, with time, the fish returns to normal and follows the path of its genetic make-up.


You're probably right. Which is why you never see someone with a large clown trigger in a community tank. It's always small ones. Probably as they start growing they get so agressive, they have to be taken out.


Active Member
I found another LFS by my house last week he had one in a tank by itself. I pointed at it to show my son and had my finger about 1 foot form the tank and he rammed the glass like 3 times I was like holy wtf !!!
Talk about Mr. Pissed off.
Clown Triggers are awesome, but I can hardly justice buying a huge tank for just a clow trigger, but I know someone that has a moray (thinking a green headed moray), that took out his clown trigger. I hav a snowflake in my reef tank,but i make sure he is VERY well feed to make sure he leaves my cleaner shrimp alone, althought I have seen them clean him and the dwarf lion... so figure LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by DoggiePuffer
Clown Triggers are awesome, but I can hardly justice buying a huge tank for just a clow trigger, but I know someone that has a moray (thinking a green headed moray), that took out his clown trigger. I hav a snowflake in my reef tank,but i make sure he is VERY well feed to make sure he leaves my cleaner shrimp alone, althought I have seen them clean him and the dwarf lion... so figure LOL
I had 3 peppermints 2 cleaners and 2 fire gobies.
The peppermints have not been seen after day two of them being in the tank one of the cleaners was not seen within 2 hours of being put in and the second cleaner was fine until the move and I never saw him again in the tubs I placed him in so dunno what happened there.
The two fire gobies... One was never seen again after an hour of being placed into the 125 and the second I saw him swim after once barely touch him and he started floating I honestly think from a heart attack.
They were all placed in at the same time with 200 pounds of LR so was no chance of getting them out. The one cleaner who made it for a month plus stayed at the top of the tank pretty much never going low anymore or doing anything other than hiding up high..
I keep my eel well fed but I guess he likes the thrill of something live.
Him and my lion will be leaving within the week hopefully so I can get some more smaller critters back in the tank shrimp are a must have for me. I need my cuticles worked over once a month and they do it for free.
WOW, must be the personality that mine has. I knew when I got from the saltwater warehouse, he was already used to eating Krill, so I just continued to keep him eating what he was already used to.. What kind of lionfish do you have? Mine is a dwarf, so maybe that makes the difference??


Originally Posted by usirchchris
Clown triggers and anything is a bad call IMO, but a clown trigger and a lion is a very bad idea IMO. Lion fish are trigger toys. JMHO
I have a huma huma and a snowflake that reside together..... get along fine??? Is the clown more aggresive???