Originally Posted by srfisher17
I would never keep a clown trigger with these fish, certainly not in a 125. They simply are not community fish. Like ophiura said above, small CTs don't acclimate well and any CT you should get will already be big enough to raise havoc with your fish.I suspect your Naso would be a favorite 1st target.Once established, the CT becomes extremely aggressive toward just about anything. Mine recently killed a goldbar wrasse; a fish that is anything but wussy. The list of fish that do well with CTs is a very short one. Some authors even reccommend a species tank for them. These are beautiful fish, but I've had 3 of them and they all went postal, one was fine for several years before killing several fish and maiming a couple more---all on the same day. I give up, the CTs win.
Well,hopefully mine will hold out that long.I'd be fine with that.I have plans for a 180 custom 8 foot in-wall,but not for another year or so.Stingray,and Fool, i say roll the dice,why not.I love my little trigger,and he is doing great, going on 3+ months.
Just saw how old this thread was
So stingray ,did you get one?