Clown trigger


What do they require as far as tank size?What do they like to eat?I have a couple of tanks, a 30 gallon being the smallest,and I would really like to have in that tank some live rock and a clown trigger.Would this be ok?Any info is greatly appriciated!!
well that is too small for a clown trigger but maybe if he was about a inch you could hold him in their (unhappily) for a couple months, then they would require a 75 gallon tank, i have one and he is a bit aggressive, my yellow tang took food rite out of his mouth today and chased him back to a corner, it was good tho, the tang didnt hurt him he just showed him off, he eats anything he can get his mouth on, even seeweed selects, silversides,bloodworms,krill,brine, squid clams anything, i believe that has them for about 45 bucks, that is a good deal and they are 1 inch so it is perfect for your needs.
they need about a 100 gallon tank, because these things get BIG! I saw one at the lfs about 14 or 15 inches!They eat all meaty foods, frozen or live.Your 30 gallon would not work out for a clown trigger. One of your tanks should be good. Good Luck!


New Member
A clown trigger would outgrow such a small tank quite quickly. Though, they are beautiful fish, they do have some special requirements due to their large size and aggression. I would suggest you consider something more appropriate for your size of tank.