clown triggerfish

i was wondering about getting a small clown triggerfish. what is the smallest clown triggerfish you have saw in your local fish store and how much money$ was it? :confused:


They say juveniles have a high mortality rate. Better to go with a medium sized one. Its going to get huge anyways so might as well start out with a medium in a big tank.


Active Member
I hope you aren't planning on putting the clown trigger in the 20 gallon tank listed in your profile. Clown triggers can reach 20 inches...
i baught a clown trigger once is was about 2 inches long it died within a month, i mean it was eating, but iy just died... i also saw its mother, it was like 3 feet long
They say juveniles have a high mortality rate
Second that. I bought one that was about 6 inches long for about 115$... Was a great fish. really mean thought, I remember i had a glass thermometer in the tank and he shattered it with his teeth when he was feeding. Anyways he lived for like 2 years and got huge. unfortunatly he died in august.
At the same time... My brother decided he liked the smaller ones. He paid about 75 for one that was barely even an inch long... one week later it was dead. So he took it back in along with the water. the guy at the lfs tested the water and it was fine so he replaced it with a basically identacle clown trigger.. make a long story short that one died too. I would say wait and get a bigger one!


Active Member

Originally posted by Lazy east911
, mine was only 50 bucks at 2 inches

Did you put the Clown Trigger in the tank with the Shark and
the Clam??


I had a 1 1/2 " Clown trigger, who lived for 7 months, & grew to 2 3/4" when he died of ick last this month:( He was a great fish, but unfortunately, we had a major heat flux 85+ in the tank, to 73 in one day, & I guess he was just to young to beat it, luckily, everyone else was able to stay healthy. I have since replaced him with a 3 1/2" Clown Trigger, who is doing very well, & eating anything I put in the QT :D He has all his makings in, & is a great looking fish. Can't wait for him to join the rest of the guys


Active Member
50 dollars?! 100 dollars?! My LFS got a tank full of these little suckers at about 2" each for 25 dollars! Try to beat that.
no way, i had the clown trigger before i had the shark, the clown trigger died, and i have no clue why, the water was fine, but i really dont care... so after he died, a couple months latar i baught the shark, the another month or two latar i baught th clam..i had a dream last night my shark died, kinda sucked.


Active Member
no way, i had the clown trigger before i had the shark, the clown trigger died, and i have no clue why, the water was fine, but i really dont care...
I really hate reading crap like that... Animals just dont die for no reason. There are sometimes excrusciating circumstances beyond our control, but I feel you still need to realize that you are talking about animals... not renewable resources.
This is a little off the beaten path but I found queen triggers for $29.00 and titan triggers for $49.00 and that's the best deal yet.:eek:


I doubt they are real titans if they are going for that price. I have yet to see someone own a real one. pineapple triggers look a lot like titans. I had one for a while but i traded it for a humu
clown triggers have a huge mortality rate if they are under 3 inches they are known to last about 6 to 8 months and die for know reason. also they are very prone to fin rot.


Put me on the list of losing a juvi-clown. 4 months.. Ate well, something must have happened? Caught with cyanide maybe?