Clown Triggers from SWF?


Hey, I was wondering if anyone had purchased a clown trigger or any livestock from, I want a small clown trigger and was considering getting one from swf. Any suggestions? Or should I just stick with a LFS. By the way, none of my LFS offer a guarantee on salwaterfish anymore. Thanks.


New Member
I bought a Tessalata Eel and a clown trigger from SWF. Both arrived in excellent health and are doing well. (Both are beautiful!)


New Member
By the way, the Tessla was in the tank first by about 1 week. When I first added the clown trigger they were somewhat aggressive towards each other. Now when I go peak at them at night the clown is lodged in a crevice and the Tessla is lying just under him and partially wrapped around the underside of the trigger. Looks like they are "cuddling". I would have never predicted that.


Hey thanks for the reply viper, I was wondering whether or not I should get a small one 1-2" or a medium size one. Also, the coloring of clown triggers seems to vary, like orange lips vs. yellow lips...what did yours look like? Did it have nice dark black coloring as well as bright yellow? Im somewhat picky with clown triggers, all the ones i've seen seem to vary in the brightness of their colors. Thanks.
[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: MakoFury ]


New Member
Has anyone ever purchased tangs from SWF. Interested in getting a purple tang for a future 200 gal setup w/LR. Tangs are always a pain and can't find a store that sells quality/healthy purple ones...


New Member
My trigger has bright "corvette yellow" lips and the black portions are Jet black. The gray ovals have an almost pearly appearance to them. In fact, with the right angle the spots seem to glow as if they are white in a blacklit room. I had no idea a fich could be that gorgeous. :D
PS. I went with the medium it's about 3-4 inches. I wouldn't have liked a smaller one as much, and my Tessla might have eaten him during the first night I'm afraid. They are buddies now. I just checked on them, they are circling the tank side by side. I wish I had a digital recorder! I would never have believed that would happen.
[ August 31, 2001: Message edited by: Viper ]


The colors very from juvenile to adult, the juvis have more yellow on them, and the adults, have like a "yellow beak" as there mouth. But, a clown trigger will get bigger than your 65 gallon tank.