clown triggers


Does anyone own a clown trigger? I heard they have a high mortality rate, is this true? How would one fare with a snowflake eel and a yellow tang?


Originally Posted by octopus8
Does anyone own a clown trigger? I heard they have a high mortality rate, is this true? How would one fare with a snowflake eel and a yellow tang?
I have heard that the very small juveniles have a high mortality rate, but as they age they are quite hardy. I would not get one under 2" JMHO. As far as tank mates go...I do not have one (a clown trigger), but have read that they are extremely aggressive the older and larger they get. I have read that they grow quite quickly, and are prone to snapping (going postal) and killing all tank mates. I plan on getting a clown eventually, but it will be by itself.


Active Member
What Chris said is right, the small juvi's don't have a very good survival rate....In general a Clown Trigger is a very very hardy fish an established adult would be borderline bulletproof in a good system. I would have difficulty recommending this fish to anyone that doesn't have a huge tank and other nasty tankmates. There are people that keep them in community set ups, but again like CHris said, they are known to be peaceful for months even a year or two and then (for lack of a better description) go postal....Not many fish can withstand the onslaught of an angry Clown Trigger.


Active Member
I had my clown trigger for about 8 months. He was very healthy and grew from 3.5 to 5.5" in that time. He ate everything and was awesome. He was very active and very beautiful. He however started to get very aggressive torwards the end of his stay in my tank. He was removed once I added my 3" bandit angel and he started to pick on the bandit.
Also, he was starting to go after my 10" and 9" emperor angel and Blueface angel, respectively.

small triggers

Active Member
my clown trigger (and all my others) got along fine with my yellow tang, only bad thing was they would get possesive of certain spots and the tang would purposly go near to pick on them. lol.