clown troubles


i cycled my 25 with a tomato clown and now the cycle is complete so i added a percula clown. The tomato wont leave the percula alone?? Is this normal or am i an idiot and this is a clashing combo....thanks all!!


Active Member

Originally posted by jwtrojan44
In almost all cases, mixing clown species is not a good idea, particularly in a small tank. You would do best to remove one or the other.



hehe well take the tomato out and put him in another tank? Or take him to your LFS and see if you can get credit off of him.


Active Member
You cycled the tank with the tomato, so now he is dominant in the tank. He established that as his home. Different clown species don't get along great usually anyway, but the tomato is looking at the perc as an intruder as he was added later. You may not be able to get them to play nice, but you could try rearranging the tank. That may displace the tomato enough to help. If you want both, you may want to try that first before taking one back (unless they are killing each other in which case don't wait).


Active Member
If all else fails, and it boils down to a decision of which clown to keep, I would keep the perc in there. Their character is more rewarding in the long run.