Clown V Cleaner


I think my clown and cleaner shrimp are not happy with each other. The cleaner has been in the tank for about 3 weeks and the clown has never let it get any where near it, but has not bothered it either. The cleaner tried to stroke it and clean it but the clown would just swim off.
Now when ever the clown gets near it, the cleaner lunges at it in an aggresive motion, i've seen the clown turn around and lunge back a few times.
The clown now has what looks like a red bruise mark with raised/torn scales on its side. Could the cleaner have done this?? will it end in tears. Who should I put my my money on


New Member
If it was me I'd get rid of the cleaner, I've found them to be slightly annoying and sorry, but a bit ugly. I'd put one in the tank only to help clean my fish but it seems this one is tearing them apart.. Maybey this is his cry for attention from you:eek:

krazzy kuda

New Member
It has been my experance with cleaner shrimp that they only want to pick off parisites from other fish and things.... I have never seen a cleaner shrimp attack a fish for no reason!!! :confused: it could be some kind of sist on the fish.. he wants to get off of him??? do the clowns have a anenome to play in??? it is not 100% nessessary, a seabae or small carpet type??? Good Luck! also wonderin' how big they are (clown and shrimp) maybe you might beable to get a fox TV boxing special :D ;) .


My clownfish and cleaner get along just great. I have never seen the shrimp clean the clown but they do not pick on one another either. Maybe it will go away in time. I know my clown is very territorial and maybe yours just is trying to let the shrimp know who's boss? Maybe the shrimp feels threatened and is trying to protect itself because it thinks it has too?


Originally Posted by bab
If it was me I'd get rid of the cleaner, I've found them to be slightly annoying and sorry, but a bit ugly. I'd put one in the tank only to help clean my fish but it seems this one is tearing them apart.. Maybey this is his cry for attention from you:eek:
My cleaner shrimp cleans my clown a ton... but even if he didn't I would keep him. He has a great personality and is BEAUTIFUL. IMO these guys make the tank more lively... When i stick my hand in my tank to clean, my shrimp crawls all over my arm... maybe i have parasites? lmao.


Active Member
Cleanres only work best on bigger fish. Can you imagine a crab the same size as you trying to climb on you and pick things off? Well your fish is scared to. He might let him clean him eventually but that may not happen ever. Cleaner anything "fish or shrimp" usually clean larger fish not fish of the same size.