Clown with pop eye


Active Member
I have a yellow Clown,(my yellow nemo), that has pop eye. I have treated him in a qt tank with Maracyn-two, the way the directions said to, and the time is up, and he is not any better. Is there anything else I can do for my poor yellow nemo?


It has been found that the directions on the package are not quite what they should be for popeye cures.
Did you use the Marycyn at the double dose? for 5 to 7 days for external problems or 7 to 10 days for internal problems?
Did you do small water changes before each dose?
Tell me about your QT tank and what happend to the fish and how long has it been going on.


Active Member
Thanks for getting back to me, and sorry it took so long to get back to you. The fish has had pop eye for about a week now, and he has been treated for 5 days with the medicine the way the directions said to for pop eye. The directions did not say anyhting about water changes before a new dose or adding twice the medicine, should I be doing those things? I hope I have everything covered, sorry if I left anything out.


A small water change before each dose is recommended because the organics in the water can inactivate the antibiotics.
Yes you should have used the Maracyn-Two at the double dose with the small water change before each dose.
Do you know how the fish got the popeye in the first place. It could be that all you needed to do was a large waterchange in the main tank first. This water change can serve to remove one of the possible reasons that the fish got the popeye to begin with.


Active Member
Yeah, I just got the fish a couple days before he got pop eye. We did do a large water change in the main tank, and that did not help. I am doing the small water shanges in the qt tank before I double dose this time, and I will let you guys know if that works. Thanks for all your help.


New Member

Originally posted by BellaNavis
Thanks for getting back to me, and sorry it took so long to get back to you. The fish has had pop eye for about a week now, and he has been treated for 5 days with the medicine the way the directions said to for pop eye. The directions did not say anyhting about water changes before a new dose or adding twice the medicine, should I be doing those things? I hope I have everything covered, sorry if I left anything out.

What was the result of your fish. I have a Sabae that out of the blue got popeye. I did add a few inverts about a week previous...a couple of snails and an urchin. I test the water and everything seemed ok.
I now have the Sabae in a QT and treating w/mayacyn. The guy at the lfs did not recommend water change until the 6th day of treatment.
Please advise. Thanx


Staff member
Better to switch to Maracyn Two for SALTWATER Fish. Continue with the treatment, however, just before you re-dose, do a small water change to keep the water in the QT in good shape. Then re-dose.
You can try to continue with the Maracyn but if you do not see improvement within 3 doses, switch to Maracyn Two for Saltwater Fish.