Clown with problems


I think my Ocellarius Clown is sick.
His mouth is always open and appears to be swolen. No growths or white spots around it. His "cheeks" appear to be sunken in. His gills appear slightly swolen but he shows no signs of laboured breathing. He hasn't been eating right, just catches whatever floats by but makes no effort to goto the food, and he is starting to get skinny.
He has been like this for over a month now.
In the tank I have: 2 ocellarius clowns (including the one that is sick), 1 3-striped damsel, 1 blue devil damsel, 1 neon dottyback, 1 yellow tang, various snails and hermit crabs, 1 sandsifting starfish, some zoos, some gsp's, some mushrooms, a hammer coral, a branching octocoral, and a tube anemone.
It is a 55gal tank that has been running for around 1.5 years.
I feed them alternatly with marine flake and marine frozen blend (both always soaked in garlic gaurd) and sometimes some seaweed on a lettuce clip. I also feed marine snow to the tank (approx 1 tbsp daily).
I have had this clown for nearly a year now and there haven't been any recent additions besides a few pieces of dry base rock.
I have tried treating with antibacterial tabs (according to the package directions) in my QT on the advice of my lfs (they thought it may be a bacterial infection). He is still in the QT being treated with coppersafe in the case that it may be some form of parasite. but he still shows no sign of improvement.
Water params are as follows:
Temp - 81.5-82°
SG - 1.023
PH - 8.0
Alk - 4.5
Calcium - 420
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 50 (I know high but I am working on getting this down, I almost fell over when i saw it)
Phosphate - Undetectable
Thanks in Advance.


Staff member
Well, that diet really doesn't look too good. Try adding more variety and better quality foods. How often do you feed?
Can you post a picture of your clown?
The nitrate tell me that there is a problem with the system. Why do you have that high nitrate?


I don't have a pic right now. I feed once a day. I found that the nitrate problem is caused by waste build up under/behind rock work, and I am in the process of doing water changes every 3-4 days and "vacuuming" the crushed coral substartate each time. Nitrates are going down. As of right now they are down to 35-40.
What types of food would you recommend. All other livestock are doing well.
I will try to get a picture sometime tomorrow.


Staff member
He looks like he is in very bad shape with some signs of malnurishment.
I'm afraid that if your sytem is depleted by feeding fish, then you are in trouble with your overall tank makeup.
How do you have your tank set up?


I don't understand what you mean by how do I have my tank set up?? Like were is it located? How is it aquascaped? Other Equiptment? Please explain because I really don't want to loose any fish or other livestock.


Staff member
The diet that you are offering your fish is poor, and you need to improve it by offering a variety of quality foods, at least 2x a day. At this point, I would also add zoecon to 1 meal a day.
This clown, though I can't really say with the greatest of certainty due to only having one shot, looks to me to be suffering some nutritional issues. Note the ragged fins, the emaciating appearance of the body, the faded colors.
You describe having crushed coral as a substrate, which is really not a very good choice. Crushed corals traps debris in aquaria frequently if not always resulting in poor export of nitrates from the in your system.
Your solution is to feed your fish less. That is not a good solution. To have a good working system, you have to fix the problem at its source, which in this case, is the way you have setup your tank to begin with.
Can you give us some details about your setup?
Can you post some more pictures of your clown, at other angles?


It is a 55 gal tank with ~80lbs Rock (approx 60% live 40% dry base). Approx 2-3" crushed coral substrate. 260watt PC light with new bulbs installed last week (2 10,000k and 2 true 03 actinic). I have a prizm skimmer with the "upgrade" kit which I clean every other day. I run a canister (eheim proII 2026) filter ocassionally for mechanical/chemical (carbon) filtration. I have two mj1200s in opposing corners connected to timers that randomize the flow pattern. If there is anything else you need to know just ask.
Give me a few min and I will get a few more pics up for you.
Thanks Again


Staff member
Rave, if you replaced your crushed coral with live sand, you will likely get nitrates under control.
How is your water circulation at the bottom of tank? Water circulation throughout is very important.


I'm not 100% sure how the circulation at the bottom of the tank is, but my tube anemone flows constantly and it is at the bottom.
Any ideas where to get live sand in Canada, or would a bag of reef grade (ie arragalive) do the trick??
Do you think that my nitrates are the cause of my clownfish illness??
Thanks Again


Staff member
High nitrates is a sign that your system is not completing nutrient export, which means that the production of wastes exceeds the capacity to get rid of wastes.
You can't get live sand in Canada?
Nutrients in excess in a system will cause animals to deteriorate. Its like living in house where everyone smokes.


I wouldn't even know where to begin to look. The only real fish store we have locally is a Big Al's and I have never seen live sand in the store.
I see that arag-alive "says' that it is live sand but I don't understand how that can be if it is dry in a bag?
How will sand lower the nitrates, or does it just stop the wast from accumulating in the tank to begin with?


Staff member
Arag-Alive, is LS and it should have a fluid in the bag. Do they have the Fiji Pink Sand
#0 Extra Fine .5-1 mm?


As a matter of fact they do. If I switch to sand, how does that change my maintence routine. You can't vacuum sand, can you??