Clown with white growth...ich?


New Member
I have had a clown for a week in a new tank and he has a small growth that is slowly and steadily growing. I am not sure if it is ich as I have not see ich before and do not know the symptoms.
Does anyone recognize this?
Any ideas on how to treat if you have seen it before?
He came from LFS and was drip acclimated over an hour period.
My water:
Ph 8.0 which may be a little low.
Kh is 18
Nitrates and Nitrites close to 0
Ammonia was in line when water was checked Saturday
I appreciate any ideas and feedback.
My experience is minimal with disease.
I do not want to watch him be eaten by this and I assume I have to treat, but treat what....


I am no expert but try a cleaner shrimp I swear they really do their job. to keep him eating good feed him food with fresh garlic juice. What does the clown host in?


Active Member
there is a fish desease thread on here, check that out and you'll be able to see some other pics of what your clown may have. if it is ick, garlic garlic garlic!!!
cleaner shrimps do a good job to clean up parasites too.


New Member
Originally Posted by SSweet1
What does the clown host in?
He is in a Fish Only tank. He hangs out in blue coral you can see in the background.


Staff member
Does he also have those spots around his eyes? How big are they?


New Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Does he also have those spots around his eyes? How big are they?
The spots are not around his eyes, that is something floating by that is in the picture.
Right now there are three spots total, one on his right (our left in the picture) and two immediately next to eachother on his left (our right)....


New Member
It is hard to see. What does the white spot look like? Does it have texture like lint or cotton or more like a zit?
I'm not an expert at all but I have two clowns I've had for 8 months now. Shortly after I got them one got a white spot one him that looked like cotton or lint. I read all about parasites, fungus and ick. I got my QT tank all ready and had some ich medication on hand but never had to go through with it. It disappeared after about 10 days and he has been incredibly healthy since. Is your clown acting and eating normally? Mine was.


New Member
Cotton lint texture.... he is eating a little slow, but I attribute that a little to being in a new tank and new food. I have been feeding them some frozen mysis shrimp (they get a little of that when the hawkfish gets some) and some pellet (sera and OSI) and flake food (OSI)...
I will continue to watch him I guess...
Thanks for the insight.
Thanks to you all.