Clown won't eat


I started up my first salt tank in early June. The tank has cycled, and I bought a clownfish 10 days ago. Since that time, the clownfish has never eaten, although I've tried mysis shrimp, mysis shrimp with garlic juice, live blood worms, and cyclopeeze. The fish did try to eat the cyclopeeze two days ago, but just kept spitting the pellets out. The fish is also pooping long, white feces.
Any ideas on what's wrong, and how to fix it? I’d really much prefer not to lose my first ever saltwater fish.
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0
SG: 1.023
Temp 79-80


Active Member
Salinity is a bit low. Was the clown active and eating as the store? How often do you try to feed it? Anything else in the tank?


Active Member
Your specific gravity is fine. Stringy white feces is a sign of an internal bacterial infection. Garlic can sometimes help but you need to get the fish to eat something. Try some nori on a clip. Clowns get a good bit of nourishment from algae in the wild. Brine shrimp might also work to get food into the fish.


The clown was, and still is active. But it just won't eat. Thanks for the suggestion of nori, nicetry. I'll give it a shot. I'm worried that even if I move the fish to a QT and start treating with something anti-parasitic, it's still going to starve to death before it heals.


I agree with nicetry about the white poops. Your symptom not eating and white poops are the same symptoms as my clowns when they have the Brooklynella. Just make sure you monitor the body under a good light and see if you able to see the white cloud/cotton like around the head/gills area. If you see it, do the formaline bath as soon as you can. I waited on mine and in about 24 hours one of the clown died. So take care of yours.