clown wrasse?


New Member

i ordered a lunar wrasse from a company other then again) and was sent this substitution wrasse, to me it is pretty ugly and i believe it may be an atlantic clown wrasse, but can find almost no info anywhere about it... will it get better looking? how big will it get?


What do you mean substitution? They just sent you a different fish....that would make me very mad....and I would demand a full credit
UNLESS they call and ask should NEVER get something you did not order


New Member
it wouldnt be so bad if the fish werent so ugly, but knowing it is a wrasse, i just hope this ugly duckling will turn into a swan


IDK what that wrasse is, BUT......some do turn out really pretty when they mature
Hopefully someone else can help you with a better I.D.


New Member
thanks i hope so to, my main concern is max size, but he is in an 100 gal tank with a couple damsels, and a young trigger, they get along great, as the are all very active and aggressive

mer knight79

Yeah, I would have to say its a young Atlantic Clown Wrasse at first glance. Its in a transitional color phase and the adults are quite least to me ;) I love Atlantics and Carribbeans. Wish I was close to ya, I would relieve you of this ugly duckling ;)
Nope its not a clown wrasse, just by looking at the fins, you can clearly see its a juvenile bluehead wrasse.

This is a male adult bluehead.
They are hermaphrodites, and hard to care for if no sufficient space. He MIGHT stay like that until you find another one, then he becomes the colorful bluehead(first image). If you get another one it will change its sex to female and its color to this (the first one you got will change the color according to the first image):

This is a female bluehead.
There are TONS of them over here in Puerto Rico, they are cool and colorful but definitely not worth it.

mer knight79

Looking at all the Phases of the Blue Head Wrasse...I have to agree now...especially since I recently got a 3" clown wrasse and its really a good looking fish and much mor colorful. The Bluehead is a planktonic swarm wrasse and has a VERY short lifespan...normally between 1 and 4 years.
here is a pic of a blue headed wrasse that seems similar in phases.,r:1,s:237,i:139&biw=1280&bih=705