clown ???


just order 2 perc. clowns and was curious if anyone has ever had any problems with survival? They're not here yet, but we just had a yellow watchman die in the tank that they are going into. I checked all the levels are they are up a tiny, but not too bad. And I am doing a water change tonight. The watchman died after we put in the order.


New Member
Perc. clowns are very hardy with proper acclimation. Use the drip method for 3 hrs. at 1 drip per 2 or 3 seconds. Then float them in the tank, in their bag for 15 or 20 mins to acclimate them to temp. Keep in mind, although related to the very tough damselfishes, high nitrates and ammonia stress these little clowns and their immunities to disease and parasites. They are not recomended as a first clownfish, but with a little extra care to water quality and the addition of a bubble tip anemone youll enjoy these little jewels for the next 5 to 10 years. Hope this was helpful.


If it makes you feel any better I have a couple of false perc's that I regard as extremely tough going on 3+ years. I have had some tough luck with my first salt tank (lemon?) in the past. The problems I have run across is the following:
Several water leaks
General Power Outages
Heater explosion
General Heater just stopped working
Low Saltinty
Poor Maintenace
No Quarantine
Tap water at first..
Unfortunately I didn't find this site until after I had started up with Salt and ran across these issues. I really though they were gonners after the heater went up and they were sitting on the bottom of the tank on their side. Well I felt so bad for these guys that I just bought them a new 75G tank