Clownfish Acclimation


I have recently purchased a Percula Clown along with some corals for my tank. For the last couple days, the percula has remained in one corner of my tank. Is this normal? I think he might see his I need to pair him with another clown?


What other fish are in the tank? Does he have anywhere to hide? He may be getting bullied around or might just be adjusting to his new home. They don't have to be in pairs.


I've had a few clowns and they have all danced around in one of the corners. Usually where I feed from.


I had the same concerns when I added my 2 perculas. The first day or two, they would only swim in one small area of the tank, probably only a foot cubed.
Now, they've got a new wierd swimming style. At night, each of them goes to an opposite corner of the tank. One swims almost vertically. I was really worried he was stressed, but there are no other fish in the tank (besides the other perc), my water tests came out 0/0/10, and he swims perfectly normal throughout the tank with the lights on.
With my limited experience, I'd say you've just got a loony clown like mine. :D

bang guy

Typically A. Percula claim a territory and rarely venture further than a few inches from their territory.


woud he claim a territory in the first couple days? Is it normal for it to be in the corner, away from rock and coral?

bang guy

In my experience they first lay claim to the territory around where they were first dropped into the tank. I usually purposely place them near the spot where I'd like them to hang out and they usually comply.