Clownfish acting wierd...

flighter x


Not best of pics but give you an idea how its looking rather then u guessing. all fish seem fine so far, dispite the drastric water results. :jumping:


ANOTHER tang!?! you know, i understand that you made a mistake getting the first one and there's no way you can take it back but WHY would you add another (even if you plan to switch to a 50)?
you have an 8g tank that is not done cycling yet. it's not just that it's massively overstocked, it's that the tank isn't ready for fish at all (save for one clown or a damsel to help it cycle).
i've never once
been uptight about what people do with their own tanks but this is ridiculous. and i don't think this has anything to do with the cultural difference.
maybe if you told me what your goal is with this tank, it would help me. i can't imagine that you're interested in keeping these fish long-term.

::edit:: sorry for the incredulous tone. i'm an animal lover and i don't have much patience for people who endanger animals when they should know better (see above).


Active Member
FX, When you see how quickly the tangs grow, you might understand. It is unfortunate that you and they don't have much choice any longer. You will have to have at least 100 gal to support those tangs. 50 will still not be healthy for them.
Wish you the best.

flighter x

Originally Posted by 20galFOWLR
like i said up top.. order a book! not more fish
Lmao, i dont know why but u made me laugh then, Just the way u wrote it, and btw i didnt chuck tht yellow tang in my dad did, and the scooter, but i didnt care, if he dont make it his money i guess. i saw a bigger tank today tho, foir cheap money, alot bigger, i think ima get it by end of this month, cant carry on like this. i go to store, buy rock, my dad goes of buy fish. and he got bit of discount. and about the book, i do try, but get tempted by other gds, likr fish food or test kit. lol. its so hard in this hobby, all i wanna do is buy stuff i want, wen its making it worse. mb u guys should help me wen i realise im making big mistake, for now, ill just keep u updated. go help other novice ppl out. But cheers for wat u have told me, great help.

flighter x

Uve been great help ponie girl, dont get me wrong, but im far to stupid to realise wat im even doing, so dont waste ya time. only thing i am gonna do tho, is wait till water settle to add coral. bout it really. but dont waste any more of ure time here. im to stupid wen i go shopping for fish.


Active Member
No waste of my time, FX, certainly. And welcome too, to the hobby! We all want it all, no doubt there :joy: !


it takes a certain maturity level to maintain a tank.... and to be honest i dont think you are displaying it.. you just said your dad chucked in another tang and you dont care... as well as other comments of yours above saying the UK is so different when in all actuality i think it is a cop-out on your part for incompatince and ill-research.. sorry to bash you but if you serisouly care about this hobby dont make it evident that you dont care about the health of the fish by saying "my dad threw it, and the scooter in and i dont care because of money".. and coral? what lighting to do you have to sustain it? everyone else is trying to be nice but that stops at a point in my eyes.. i believe the only dumb question is the one not asked, but when someone trys to give you great advic and all you do is make excuses i would take it as a slap in the face...
sorry for the bash but i think you need to care a little more about what you are getting into.. if you dont.. go buy a couple of guppies


Originally Posted by 20galFOWLR
it takes a certain maturity level to maintain a tank.... and to be honest i dont think you are displaying it.. you just said your dad chucked in another tang and you dont care... as well as other comments of yours above saying the UK is so different when in all actuality i think it is a cop-out on your part for incompatince and ill-research.. sorry to bash you but if you serisouly care about this hobby dont make it evident that you dont care about the health of the fish by saying "my dad threw it, and the scooter in and i dont care because of money".. and coral? what lighting to do you have to sustain it? everyone else is trying to be nice but that stops at a point in my eyes.. i believe the only dumb question is the one not asked, but when someone trys to give you great advic and all you do is make excuses i would take it as a slap in the face...
sorry for the bash but i think you need to care a little more about what you are getting into.. if you dont.. go buy a couple of guppies

well, you're right -- that's what i wanted to say but i'm too nice. i guess there will always be people in the hobby who just think of a dead fish as lost money. :mad: it's a shame.
to fx's credit, he did say he was going to hold off on corals for a little while because of our warning and he is now turning off his lights regularly. that's a very small start but it's something.


New Member
man wat the hell are u doing, sometimes you get tempted but u have to hold off you are stressing the sh!t out of these little tangs you have been given some of the best advice you have read it and accepted it and not taken any action it just gets to me that people are trying to help and you are not willing to co-operate well anyway thats just wat i had to say i couldnt hold it in any longer


i keep waiting to read his next post.... " why have all my fish died?"
man, i have a 30 g cycled it for 6 weeks, checked levels religiously, double checked em at LFS before i added anything, and when i did , it was 1 fish at a time, and at this point i only have 2 fish, a percula clown , and a lawnmower blenny to take care of the algea. and i bought em a week apart, dripped em for like 2 hours, lol.
having a tank is like a friggen job!!! takes dedication and certain level of respect, if you dont have either, you surely wont be in this hobby for long!


Originally Posted by socko6774
i keep waiting to read his next post.... " why have all my fish died?"
man, i have a 30 g cycled it for 6 weeks, checked levels religiously, double checked em at LFS before i added anything, and when i did , it was 1 fish at a time, and at this point i only have 2 fish, a percula clown , and a lawnmower blenny to take care of the algea. and i bought em a week apart, dripped em for like 2 hours, lol.
having a tank is like a friggen job!!! takes dedication and certain level of respect, if you dont have either, you surely wont be in this hobby for long!
i keep telling myself that for every person who does it the wrong way, there's got to be a few like yourself who do it the right way.


Originally Posted by mryoung7
i keep telling myself that for every person who does it the wrong way, there's got to be a few like yourself who do it the right way.

lmao, thanks man, theres a few of us who actually care about what happens


I am curious to see what happened to these fish? This is the smallest tangs I have ever seen.