Clownfish Alert


Bang I have a real problem...
About 3 months ago I was talking to you about my new clownfish tank I was setting up. Well everything was going great. They had a rough start because they didn't know what to make of each other looking at them through the seperator. They were eating and looked great.
Then about a week ago my Male Orange Ocellaris Clownfish got a red bloch on the top part of the face white band. Then a day later my Male Black Ocellaris Clownfish got the same thing. Then the Orange on died on night and that morning the other on did. Then they Female Black Ocellaris jumped out. So I moved the Female Orange Ocellaris Clownfish.
One thing I realised was that something was floating in my fuge. It looks like little white grains of sand but wasn't sure. It wasn't there before this whole episode so thought it could be something else.
All of my chemistry is at zero and salinity at 1.022.
What do you think and anybody else who has a clue.
Right now the surviver is not happy at all because the QT has a resident juv. Sohal for my 120gal so I had to put the clown in my 5gal with a percula and blue damsel.
R.I.P. little budies...