clownfish and anemone suggestions

I am planning on putting a clownfish and an anemone in my tank next and would like some suggestions of a good pair to put in. I guess the only requirements would be that they are bright in color if possible. Thanks for your suggestions!!!
The other fish I have are:
1 pearly jawfish
1 purple fairy wrasse
1 damsel
snails and hermit crabs, 1 bahama starfish, 1 green brittle star, 1 feather duster
The tank is a 55 gal reef. Also would another fish plus the clown be too much??? Like a lawnmower blenny??


What sort of lighting do you have? You need a lot of light to house an anemone. do a search on this board and youll find what anemones are compatable with what clownfish. I suggest reading everything you can about anemones and clownfish before you do anything else. You may decided just to get the clownfish. they do fine without an anemone. My percula loves to swim end to end of my 75 gallon and i think it would be a shame if he just rubbed in an anemone all day. Clownfish are really funny fish, youll see if you read other posts


Active Member
Anemones need good lighting, very good water conditions, and an established tank. Learn a lot about them before buying. My percula clowns loved the purple tip sebea anemone.
The tank has been established and running for 8 months now. My lighting consists of 2x65w pcs(10k) and 2x110 vho(actinic 03). I have a penguin 330 bio wheel with wheel removed. I have a prism protein skimmer, 2 penguin 550 powerheads, 1 penguin 650 powerhead, 1 ebo jager 200w heater. The tank has 60 lbs lr and 4" ls. Calcium stays between 400-450. Iodine is in range. Coral Vite is added weekly along with Zoe Marine Vitamin. Water changes about every 6 weeks 5-7 gallons at a time. PH stays at 8.2-8.3. I am working now to try to get my Kh down. The RO water I buy and put in is of high Kh to start with so I am gonna try to find a water softener to lower it.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Ill keep looking up info on these guys before I go and buy something.


I bought my first bubbletip anemone about two months ago and it has double in size. I have a 180g with only 640w of VHO light and I added him when the tank was only a month old. One thing though is that my percs didn't go near it and I just bought a maroon clown to see if it will like it. Hasn't done nothing yet. One thing to remember, they may not always pair up. Good luck.