Clownfish and Anemones


I have two False Perculas and I had read that the False Percula likes the carpet Anemone. My lfs advised me that if they are tank raised (aquacultured) that they probably don't know what an Anemone is and that I would do better with a long Tenticle Anemone as the sting is less and wouldn't scare the False percula as much. Is this true?
My False Perculas are suppose to be aquacultured. What Anemone would be best? :notsure:


It's true that the long tailed anemone is best for aquacultured perculas. For the exact reasons you stated yourself. Although if you want a good relationship between the two I would get wild clowns. I know they are "considered" harder to care for, but the quality of the two's relationship would be a lot better.


Is it a specific named Anemone or is it called a Long tailed Anemone. It gets confusing as I thought something was an Anemone and it was a Coral that had Long looking tenticles.


I found out that there are three different Anemones that host the A. Ocellaris (False Percula), They are the H. Magnifica, the S. Gigantea, and the S. Mertensii. All of these is the most difficult to take care of a require the most light. One getting as big as 3ft in diameter. Are there any smaller and less difficult Anemones that will host the A. Ocellaris?


I have 2 false percs. that are currently hosting a long tenticled anenome.
the anenome has been really hardy so far and has fit quite nicely in my 25 gal.
I will look up the sci. name for you...


Active Member
A BTA , Entacmaea quadricolor is one of the easiest anemones to keep but none are really easy.... A. ocellaris do host them often in captivity but many tank breed ones will not host any of the anemones or may right away or after time....


I don't know,
I 'm pretty sure they are wild and they found the anemone when I turned off the lights for ythe night,
I guess they felt insecure?


At night, the Perculas are the only ones not in the rocks sleeping so I feel sorry for them. The two are very happy together but never in the rocks, always out and about. So I was hoping an Anemone would be the best for them, something to call there own.