clownfish and anemones


I was just wondering how important it is to have anenomes with clownfish, is it a must? im sure they probably like it better, but i was just planning on a FOWLR, would they be just fine in that as well?:notsure:


No, the clowns can live without an anemone but they do enjoy having a safe place to live when they are scared. My clowns loved it, but usually one clown fish will take it over and chase away others that try to go into it.


Active Member
They do just fine without anenomes and even breed without them. Most clownfish bought these days are tank raised and haven't even seen an anenome.
Alternate host can also be used:
Hairy mushrooms make good hosts and are much easier to care for and don't have the lighting or water quality concerns of an anenome.
Toadstool corals are another good host.


Active Member
If you absolutely must see them host a coral i would suggest a hairy mushroom.

mr. tuna

Active Member
a clown fish does not need an anenome, but it benefits the clownfish as in protection by the clown hosting in the anenome, but no it is not a must to have an anenome.