Clownfish + anemone + sexy shrimp?


Will a clownfish share his anemone with sexy shrimp? I have read that these shrimp prefer to be in the anemone, but I was wondering if the clown would even let them have the chance?


Active Member
i doubt the clown would let the sexy into the anemone.....i have had them in the same tank so its not a problem to my knowledge, i never had an anemone at the time sexy shrimp stayed with the pulsing xenia.


So it is likely that the shrimp will find something else to "host"?
How do you like the sexy shrimp? I have always wanted some, but am afraid they will dissappear quickly...


Active Member
i loved mine that i had....he was the coolest little guy to watch, although sometimes i couldnt find him being so small, but he was very cool


Active Member
Originally Posted by sac10918
So it is likely that the shrimp will find something else to "host"?
How do you like the sexy shrimp? I have always wanted some, but am afraid they will dissappear quickly...
I have had several, last one I had I gave to renogaw because my cleaner wouldnt leave it alone. But it hosted every thing, xenia, hammer, shrooms... and my BTA. But I agree if you have a clown hosting I doubt it will let the shrimp near the anemone.


Do you think I would be a okay getting a few (like 4 or 5) sexy shrimp for my 24 gallon? I don't have any other shrimps, just hermits and snails...
I also don't have much for them to host just yet, I am trying to get my nitrates lower....I would obviously wait to get them until the nitrates are safer (they are at 25 now)


Active Member
The only issue I can see is if they all decide to host the same thing. Especially an anemone, this could cause stress to the anem, make it try to move around, or stay closed. As far as corals are concerned I would say the same for them as far as staying closed and just irritating them. But, then again it may not be an issue at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sac10918
Do I need to worry about the flow of the tank, or them getting sucked up into pumps or overflow?

If they are healthy... No that shouldnt be an issue.