Clownfish attacked me


So i was moving my rocks around because i have just little to much movement on my xenia, atl east for their liking anyway. when i was in the middle of moving them, the damn clown fish attacked me. I figured, it was a mistake ... im not food. Nope he was still getting real close and acting like he was getting ready to charge.. .. he got me good too!


Ha mistake, my black and white ocellarios took a chunk out of my thumb this evening too. They can get very territorial as they get older. This one is pretty aggressive but nothing compared to the old maroon I used to have. We just have to accept they don't want our hand in their tank. Sucks thought dosen't it?


Active Member
i used to have one that did that. it was so fun, i used to play with it like that. i would try to grab it while it attacked me. LOL


My clowns, especially my female used to attack me constantly when they were young. Now that they've paired up and have an anemone, they leave me alone. For a long time, neither my husband or I would put our hand in the tank without the other one holding the fish net to chase the little monsters away. They still fear the blue fish net of doom, LOL
mine are funny when i play with it it take to lick me o.o lol when it think my hand is food XD lol then it try to eat my thumb o.o but then it tingly XD a little lol