Clownfish Attacking Feather Duster


New Member
Has anyone else had a problem with their clownfish nipping at feather dusters. Both have been in the tank for over four months now, and this has just become a problem. Also ayone have any ideas on what to do to stop them from attacking the worms?


Never had that problem and I couldn't tell you why he is doing it with the crown of those worms.
What type of clownfish is it?


Active Member
Do you have an anemone it hosts in nearby? Or does it seem to "prefer" the area the worm may be in?


Active Member
Do you have any hermit crabs or shrimp in your tank? If so they are a huge problem with feather dusters. I just got rid of my crabs and shrimp due to them constantly bothering my feather dusters. I would see the crab actually drag the dusters across the tank.
My two ocellaris clowns never bother my dusters, I have two large dusters.
Have you seen them actually nip the ends of the dusters?
If it is the clowns for sure, sorry I cannot help you with that. Hopefully someone here will be able to help you.


my larger female clarkii clown was bitting chunks off of a faether duster i had purched and was feeding the chuncks to the carpet annemone that she hosts. there are some picks on this forum of the featherduster


New Member

Originally posted by ophiura
Do you have an anemone it hosts in nearby? Or does it seem to "prefer" the area the worm may be in?

I don't have an anemone yet. They like to be in that area of ht e feather dusters after lights go out, but they don't bother them then. During the day they are usually in a different area of the tank, besides when they are nipping at the ends of the worms.