ClownFish Breeding


Hey there....
Heres the story...
Ok, I have two False Percula Clown fish and they have been biting and eating the rock in this cave near the hammer coral and I called a friend and did research and they both had said that they were going to have babes! I was very excited and couldn't wait until they came out... well the same night right after the lights went out, the fish laid eggs, tiny little orange eggs, and the male was protecting them from my other fish in the tank, yellow tang and blue damsel, and when they hatch in 4 days I need help with figuring out what to do with them! I heard that you feed them Rotifers and I have found them online and havnt order them yet but will soon... My plan is to take the yellow tang and damsel into a nano tank that has already been setup for 1 year now but hasnt had any life in it but the water is fine so im going to put them into there while the fish hatch so the Babes arnt eaten.... and after the fish hatch I will capture them and put them into a 20 gallon tank which will have the water from the main, 46 gl tank, from water changes... so when they are all in the 20 gl I will feed them Rotifers 5 times a day and let them do their thing for getting older... after metamorphosis they will be home free and so will I! What my questions are is... how much amount of Rotifers do I feed them 5 times a day? Another question is are my steps going to work okay for all the fish and corals I have? And will this work out for the baby Perculas? Is anything in the process incorrect???
System setup....
Living Things:
Two Hammer Corals
Two Starfishes... One sand sifter, one orange linkia
Two False Percula Clownfish
One Yellow tang
One Blue Damsel
Tank Parameters:
Amonia: 0
Nitrates: 40
Nitrites: 0
PH: 8.0
Salt: 1.25 approximately
Others: Unknown
Overflow box for filtration
Metal Halides and VHOs
46 Gallon Bow Front tank
And thats it!!! I would appreciate the help guys!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again
Sincerely Clownfish4


Congrats! Man, there's a lot to cover in raising these little guys! Sooo much that I couldn't even say it all in one post. However, theres a book called clownfishes by Joyce D. wilkerson. I'm kinda new in this breeding thing and I have to tell you that this book has absolutelly helped me in every area of the breeding part, raising the young and everything that you need to do. I encourage you to eathier buy or borrow this book and you will be amazed of how good this book is!
As your set up goes, I'm a little concern with thyour overflow box. As you know, the larva will be attracted to light and I strongly beieve that as they swim to the surface of the water they will be swept into your overflow and get caught in your mechanical filtration. So, I would get them out asap and put them in a 10 gal or something with a sponge filter.
Again, this book is absolutelly awesome! Take the time to find it and read it. It will benefit you and your little ones!
Congratulations and please let us know how everything works out!
Best regards,


hey there thanks for the post... what i am going to do is take them out as soon as possible like right after they hatch so they dont get caught.... after that i will put them into a 20 gallon tank with filters and heater and airation... is there anything wrong with that?Thanks for the help on the book...idk if i can obtain it by the time they hatch but good refrence use for the future... scince they are going to do this every 14 days... but anyway thanks for the help


Help idk if the eggs are dead!!! They were orange yesterday but today they are now black!!!! Help what does this mean


Originally Posted by clownfish4
Help idk if the eggs are dead!!! They were orange yesterday but today they are now black!!!! Help what does this mean

nvm they are fine i heard that they get that color thanks for the help