Clownfish Breeding

rod buehle

I know.. The frozen is the THIRD food that my baby clowns get because its too large. Rotifers first, newly hatched brine second and then cyclope-eeze.


ok thank you for the help.... ill update you guys on everything i have done.... i have gotten a breeder tank setup a 10 gallon and i bought that DTs phytoplankton and i have heater airstone airpump, light on timer, and i think they are going to hatch tonight.... i dont have rotifers yet! i have both parnets in there until they hatch.... is everything ok besides the rotiers? thanks



Originally Posted by clintjj
Where are you located? I also raise clownfish and have a 300 gal. tank full of rotifers. If you live close enough I'll give you the rotifers to feed the baby's but I highly
recommend you read the book clownfishes!!!! I saw you said they were hatching after 4 days how hot is your water?

do you still have those rotifers and do you live near me?


not you... anyway.... the fish hatched last night... i stayed up for two hours and they didnt hatch... so i went to bed and the next morning their eggs were gone! so i thought they had hatched in the breeder tank.... but i didnt see any of the larvae! i saw the egg shells on the floor of the 10 gallon tank but didnt see the fish! i put the male and female parents in there so they could do anything until they hatched.... but my question is where did the larvae go! i know they hatched at some point becuase i see the egg shells on the ground but not one fish! i saw one last night but havnt see another yet! there where about 150 eggs... please help!!! did the parents eat them!!!?!!