clownfish breeding


will a true perc misbar breed with a false perc. i have a 20 gal reef and i was think get about 4 clowns of all diferent sizes and wait till they pair up. and also what would i feed the larvae? does the rearing tank need to cycle? pretty much just tell me everything abpout breeding


I dont think clowns of different species will mate.
Only a 20-gal? I would only get one clown. We have a 23-gal and introduced two clowns at the same time (we're still fairly new), a Maroon and a False perc. Maroon might eventually kill the perc, (learned this later), although for now the perc is by far the more agressive of the two. They are getting along well - never see one without the other within inches.
Two is POSSIBLE - do NOT get four. We just got really lucky that our two clowns are tolerant of each other. But four will definitely get way too territorial, especially in a tiny 20-gal.
As for breeding, I've heard that it's (near) impossible to do in captivity. I know someone who's clowns lay eggs every couple weeks - but the eggs never hatch. They've always just got a nice batch of eggs right next to the anemone that they host.
However with the right equipment you should be able to do it I think... other people on here will know better than me, I just hear its extremely difficult to actually get fry and get them to survive.


Found this thread, it'll help you:


dont need to get 4 to get a pair, all clowns can change ---...alot say they can only go from male to female but they can go both ways from female to male but normally when 2 females are pressent one gets killed befor it changes back to male


Originally Posted by reefmate75
dont need to get 4 to get a pair, all clowns can change ---...alot say they can only go from male to female but they can go both ways from female to male but normally when 2 females are pressent one gets killed befor it changes back to male
Has this been documented somewhere? I have never read that about a female changing back to male. Not to be rude, but I believe this is a false statement.
fish2, a false perc and a true perc can breed, it has been done before.
I would only get two clowns for that size tank. Just make sure to get them with a size difference in them. The larger will mature into a female pretty quick.


Originally Posted by Nuz
I dont think clowns of different species will mate.
Only a 20-gal? I would only get one clown. We have a 23-gal and introduced two clowns at the same time (we're still fairly new), a Maroon and a False perc. Maroon might eventually kill the perc, (learned this later), although for now the perc is by far the more agressive of the two. They are getting along well - never see one without the other within inches.
Two is POSSIBLE - do NOT get four. We just got really lucky that our two clowns are tolerant of each other. But four will definitely get way too territorial, especially in a tiny 20-gal.
As for breeding, I've heard that it's (near) impossible to do in captivity. I know someone who's clowns lay eggs every couple weeks - but the eggs never hatch. They've always just got a nice batch of eggs right next to the anemone that they host.
However with the right equipment you should be able to do it I think... other people on here will know better than me, I just hear its extremely difficult to actually get fry and get them to survive.
not true on the breeding.
breeding the clowns are easy.
keeping the fry are easy as long as keeping water 100% top notch and know how to feed the fry. (i'm sure you studyed when how and what to feed the fry)
clown fish are on the easyer type of fish to breed.
i've herd of false and true being breed.
as for the clown and perc one will die soon if not seperated.
are they both youngsters?
if so somtimes that can be a reason why they not killing each other as of yet.
also your lfs sould of said you don't want to put these two together.....
20 gal tank for the maroon will soon be too small for him as they can get a bit large and they like there space.
as i allways say bigger the tank the better it is.
for the fish and for the water quality.
but personally i would remove one from the tank b4 it gets a bit too late.