Clownfish compatability


New Member
I have a 75 gallon fish only tank with lots of rocks and caves. I probably have 20 to 25 rocks.
I currently have:
2 percula clowns (2 inch, and 3 inch)
1 niger trigger (4 inches)
I would like to add:
dwarf angel
harlequin tusk wrasse
fuzzy dwarf lionfish
What are your thoughts?
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I also noticed that my clowns (were in the tank for a week before the trigger) are not utilizing the whole tank anymore. I expected that. However, they are kind of hanging high in a corner of the tank instead of in the rock work (most of the time). The triggerfish does not seem to be aggressive. But... one time in a 2 hour span, I did notice him being pesky for a brief moment. Should I be concerned? Perhaps the clownfish are looking for food? Or, are they scared of the trigger?


Active Member
Sounds fine, the niger triger is pretty peacefull, and clowns have very bizarre behavior.. I would get a flame angel.