Clownfish/Coral host


Hello and thanks for reading!
I'm setting up a 30g and realize how Nems don't do very well in nano's. I'm afraid mine would make a smoothie out of itself via the powerhead, which i exp'd in my 55gal (any way to prevent this?). Also they tend to move around and sting corals. So I'm looking into having a happy clown with a coral host.
I've heard that clowns will host in a variety of corals. Hammers for sure. My LFS has a huge Maroon gold stripe that hosts in a Xenia looking leather I believe.
What do you have success with?


Active Member
my mated clowns hosted my toadstool. and my old clown hosted a rubbermaid contianer. it really depends on your tank. just cause you add xenias, hammer, or a frogspawn doesnt mean your clown will host it. wish you luck



Active Member
Many host powerheads.. I've seen one (maroon) at the fish store hosting an open brain... I've seen a skunk hosting xenia and a perc hosting frogspawn.


You could keep an anemone in a 30 if you have good lighting. I'd stay away from the very large species, maybe a bta?


Active Member
you will need to wait 6+ months to keep an anemone thriving in your tank and a great t5 or MH set will do the trick


Active Member
I have two BTAs in a 29g tank, under PC lights, they are doing well. Except my ungrateful clowns havnt touched them yet


My maroon hosted a candy cane coral colony before I got him an anemone. It would swim on top of it and try to nestle itself in.
You can get maroons, don't listen to nissan! Mine is very tame as compared to a lot of horror stories I have heard. I had an oscellaris before my maroon and the oscellaris was VERY mean to me. It actually bit me. My maroon only waves its tail at me or head butts my hand. It has never bit me. It also isn't mean to my other fish...he just bugs them more than anything.


I was thinking one maroon. Possibly gold stripe. My LFS has one that's huge and moves frags around. Very aggressive.
But Long tentacle Nem and Saddleback also interest's me.
We will see how my tank evolves. I have metal halides so lighting isn't the issue.
Just went to the local hardware store and bought plastic eggcrate material to build up my rock. I'm going to try to have high waterflow and also lowflow areas. Maybe I can keep a long Tentacle Nem Happy in the Low flow?
Thanks for all the advice!