Clownfish Corner Twitch


I have two clown fish in a 20 gal tank and everthing has been fine till yesterday. One of the clown fish, the bigger one, has been acting up. He has been hanging out in the corner and is swiming almost vertical in one spot. Then once in a while he will start twiching. I tried to feed him and he does eat.
Water levels are:
ammonia .25
ph 8.4
nitrite around .10
nitrate 0
I have recently been reading about black ich, he does have a darker top then the rest of his body but i'm not if i am just noticing it now or its always been there.
any advice or seen this before?


Staff member
The ammonia and nitrite is enough to kill the fish. What is wrong with your tank that you have these levels?? You need to do some water changes to get the ammonia and nitrite down.