Clownfish crisis


New Member
i have two tomato clownfish in a 55 gallon. 3 years established. the only things in it is the two clowns, yellow tang, and pink and blue spot goby, plus my clean up crew. the clowns came together about 2 years ago and have been fine since. 2 days ago i noticed their mouths were all white and kinda chewed up. they seem to be fighting. they arent large in size and have seperate zones in the tank. they are about 50 cent pieces in size. they cannot close their mouths. what should i do? all parameters are good. no other tank to take them too. ne help?


They have been together for 2 years? HMMM...Can you get a pic?
My clowns did that (but they were only together a few months)...they were indeed fighting, it is said that they will do this until the female shows dominance...if they are fighting you can turn the lights off, that is supposed to make them calm down


Originally Posted by meowzer
They have been together for 2 years? HMMM...Can you get a pic?
My clowns did that (but they were only together a few months)...they were indeed fighting, it is said that they will do this until the female shows dominance...if they are fighting you can turn the lights off, that is supposed to make them calm down
if they are in separate zones, could they both have turned into girls??


New Member
see i thought maybe they both switched but one is larger than the other. one was always chasing the other and the smaller one would stay out the way but its like the smaller one said enough is enough and starting standing up for itself and now they square off and lock mouths. the tank is by no means over crowded and there is a whole lot of rock in there. im goin to redo the rock tomorrow. will melafix work to help the mouths if not what would help the wounds? thanks. any input will help


soak their food in vitamins like selcon and zoe....That's all I did, and mine are fine.
Like I said earlier..if you see them fighting turn the lights off...