Clownfish curled up


New Member
I’ve had the clownfish for over a year now, and it stopped eating a couple days ago so I did a 30% water change, and now he’s curled up and occasionally moves his fins around but he’s breathing rapidly.
Ammonium 0
Nitrite 0
Salt 1.023
Temp: 77

really don’t want to see him die, let me know if you know what’s wrong!



Staff member
It's hard to really tell what is going on with him, aside from the obvious serious illness. He does look rather thin for a clownfish. What have you been feeding him? Also do the water reading in your tank look like--ammonia, nitrite, pH, salinity? Notice any harassment from other fish?

Do you have a quarantine tank?


Well-Known Member
I agree, my first thought was he looks really thin.

what size tank and what are her tank mates.