clownfish disapearing


ok i've had a few fish disapearing in the last month or so... i've lost 3 clownfish, and 2 firefish gobies.. ithink that's whattt they are called... right now i have 1 perc, 1 flame angel, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 bullet goby, 3 anthias, 3chromis. what could be killing them... i'm guessing the anthias but i've never really seen anyone in the tank show signs of aggression towards any other fish..thanks


Did you test to see if you have PH, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite? That could be the problem if it is not the problem then you might have to many fish at one time or you rushed.


It says you have a 75 gal. tank that might be why your fish are dying because your fish tank can not handle all of those fish.


New Member
My Maroon Clown committed suicide last night. I found a dried up piece of "beff jerky" on the floor. It looked a little like my clownfish. I gave him a proper send off in the circular vortex. Check around your tank. You may find some petrified clowns.


Do you hear any "clicking" noises at night. Could be a mantis shrimp...
And yes, your tank sounds way to crowded... You should really only have 19" of fish, and you're pushing 28", and that's not even full grown fish!!! :scared: :scared: :scared:


Originally Posted by clownfish4
Did you test to see if you have PH, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite? That could be the problem if it is not the problem then you might have to many fish at one time or you rushed.

levels are perfect i test regularly. the clowns weren't all in there at the same time it's been 3 different times.


Originally Posted by jdragunas
Do you hear any "clicking" noises at night. Could be a mantis shrimp...
Thats what I was going to suggest. Try turning off your moon lights if you have any and take a look at your tank a few hours after lights out. You can use a small flashlight with a red filter over it (red cellophane, sp?) to see a bit better. Search for a picture of a mantis shrimp so you know what you're looking for. I hope you find out what it is. I'd be pretty frusterated if I were in your shoes.


Originally Posted by Tim_12
Thats what I was going to suggest. Try turning off your moon lights if you have any and take a look at your tank a few hours after lights out. You can use a small flashlight with a red filter over it (red cellophane, sp?) to see a bit better. Search for a picture of a mantis shrimp so you know what you're looking for. I hope you find out what it is. I'd be pretty frusterated if I were in your shoes.
would a mantis come out of no where though.. i have not added any new rock in my tank in about 8 months or so... and fish only recently started disapearing.. could the anthias maybe be taking the clowns out... i did notice that one clown was immediatly beat up on as soon as he was put in the tank so i removed him..


it could have been tiny and not able to take down a fish yet when it came in on a piece of live rock. check at night see if you hear clicking of any kind, if not then you're good.


Active Member
also keep an eye out for possible brittle star.that was the culprate in my tank.alos picked up one as a hitch hiker


brittle stars have been known to take advantage of sleeping fish, and eat them at night. They also may eat inverts... but it all depends on the star itself. Some are agressive, and some are not...


it's more likely to happen with the green brittle stars and not the brown ones, although the browns still aren't complete angels


Active Member
I have a black brittle star hes est at 10 inches or more across.but so far we lost a copperband buterfly,lyretail anthias trio,6 line wrasse green chromis.couple yellow tails damsels any small fish that found its way near his hiding space came up missing.aslo my peppermint shrimp dissapeared as well as my cleaner shrimps.the shrimps could have been done in by hogfish or dottyback.but i removed the brittle star put them in another tank aslo removed sally lightfoot.I have had no problems till recently I have had this brittle for 3 yrs.


Also, do you have Emerald Crabs? I had 2 small ones and added a larger one...and within days the cretin managed to eat my just-molted Skunk Shrimp (my first ever creature in the tank) and took a bite out of my little Clown. There was a small circular wound on the fish's body in the morning. (Emerald's claws are flat discs.) I caught the Crab and he's now residing in my sump.


well i do have a big probably around 10 inch green brittel star. so maybe that's where they are going too.... well good news i found 1 of the percs in my over flow this morning..