Clownfish egg collecting question


I have been reading in some clownfish books. Mostly Clownfishes by Joyce D. Wilkerson.
My female clown is about to lay eggs again. I read that you can wait till they hatch use a small pen light and bowl and collect them. Just curious if anyone out there has tried this? I just thought it might be easier since every time I get even close to their nest they attack me.


Active Member
lol i hate when fish do that they attack u and ur trying to help there kids anyways back to the question give it a shot and if iy doesnt work they will probably lay again or will.


Active Member
u cna see then threre orange at first then turn blckish! and the malw will always be by them or checking on them!


I will take a pic as soon as she lays the eggs. Probably tonight or a few days.
Here is a pic of there nest site.
I know the clowns laid eggs because I saw them. I couldn't get a very good pic though.



The tube is way out! Looks freaky! I try to take pic, but she was swimmin to fast wanting more food.


Active Member
yea watch the tube bc if it goes back in i would like to now if they still lay with it in mine had it out but it went back in but shes just getting fatter?


Active Member
As far as your question goes.....That one method but have to be real carefull not to damage the fry. Best to have slate or tiles or pipes, ect. for then to lay eggs on that can easily removed to a rearing tank. Maybe next time.


yes, how do I steel the eggs though??? I guess some kind of tongs thats if they choose to lay egg on the tile. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rach4194
yes, how do I steel the eggs though??? I guess some kind of tongs thats if they choose to lay egg on the tile. :thinking:


This is so cool, my clown is laying eggs right now as I type! I video it on my cam. How long do they continue to do this? I also thought they did it at night.
Wow, what a geek. Video my fish.... :cheer:


Active Member
Congats, they, mine will often do pactice runs over the nest as they clean it. Actual time to lay eggs once she starts take around one to two hours for mine.


Active Member
i also got a little good news my levels are perfect! and i found out my little girl is pregnant but she can take a week until she gets the eggs developed in her stomach
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: