clownfish fat


Active Member
so i was looking up close to my tank like i usually do every once and awhile and i noticed my larger, dominant clown has a very fat looking "stomach". Right around a behind the pectoral fins. Its very healthy acting and swimming all over, eating, and such. Perfect paramters, all other fish healthy. It is paired with another smaller clown and ive had the tank for about 5 months.
Is this a illness or is my clown holding eggs?


Active Member
o and i must add that i fed them a new food today, omega one pellet with garlic....
could the garlic pellets swollen up inside? i did not feed many pellets, just a few testers to see how they liked it.


Active Member
There is another thread which is fairly new and I believe the subject is *what's wrong with my clown". Take a look at that one.. it might answer your question pretty well. I don't have the link here right now :(


someone said in another thread that thats what happens whey they have eggs or it might be sick
look it up in disease forum


Your clowns belly doesnt look quite as large as the one in the other thread.
Have you noticed your clowns clearing an area to possibly lay eggs? I sure hope that it is eggs and not an illness!