Clownfish Help!


Hi All!! I noticed one of my clownfish (false perc -- aquacultured) is starting to turn darker on his top part of the body. by the dorsal? i was wondering what it is.
Tank Params:
PH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Calcium: 360
SG: 1.025
Temp: 81
I feed them Spectrum Thera +A and Prime Reef Frozen. He is swimming fine and breathing fine and eating fine. He looks fine but his color is off. is there anything i'm doing wrong?
My tank is a 24g nano with about 35lbs live rock 24lbs live sand, RO/DI water.
Livestock: 2 False Perc, 1 Diamond Goby, 1 Cleaner Shrimp, 3 Hermits, 2 Nass Snails.
also here's some pics of my clown:



Originally Posted by turbonerd
Hi All!! I noticed one of my clownfish (false perc -- aquacultured) is starting to turn darker on his top part of the body. by the dorsal? i was wondering what it is.
This happens with most True and False Percula’s. It comes with age and you may see it darken even more. You should post this in the Clownfish and Anemone section of this forum to see if anyone in there can explain why this happens. I hope this help ease your mind.


Originally Posted by IIINADAV
This happens with most True and False Percula’s. It comes with age and you may see it darken even more. You should post this in the Clownfish and Anemone section of this forum to see if anyone in there can explain why this happens. I hope this help ease your mind.

ok i was just wondering if i should be feeding them something else. thanks!