Clownfish I.D.


That sucks... I bought these clowns 6 months apart from the same Petland and they had them labeled as True Percs.


Active Member
I wouldn't buy fish at Petland. I know that Petlands up here suck. They are worst than *****.


the one picture on the top looks like it could be a true perc or a tank raised perc because of the miss-bar on its tail. i know alot of tank raised percs are missbarred.


Active Member
there tank raised true percs if they are percs! petland is not as bad as ***** my petland isnt sick like *****.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IIINADAV
How can you ID them as false?
Normaly, True percs have much more black area outlineing the white fadeing to the orange and Os have a 'thin' black outline of the white area. The only real way to know is to count the spines on the front dorsal fin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
there tank raised true percs if they are percs!
Not exactly sure what you meant by this. Both ocellaris and true percs can be wild caught or tank raised.
I agree, both clowns are ocellaris.
Generally, true percs usually have 11 dorsal spines and ocellaris have 10.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
there tank raised true percs if they are percs! petland is not as bad as ***** my petland isnt sick like *****.

All FW and SW fishes at Petland have ich. :mad:


Most of the fish at the Petland I got to seem to be fine. I've purchased both clown fish and a Kole tang from the and they haven't had a case of ick yet. However, I do have a big problem with them trying to scam me by selling me false percs at the price of true percs. I'll probably end up moving these percs to my 29 gallon and buying a wild mated pair of true perc.


Active Member
I guess by you the stores care about their fishes!!! Whenever I go to a Petland I always see sick fishes.


New Member

Originally Posted by IIINADAV
Can someone verify that both of these clowns are True Percs? Thanks in advance for your help.
this is my first forum your question about True versus False Percs? I have the same question, because I have aPerc clown that looks very much like yours in the picture. I want to breed perc clown, but want to understand difference between true and false perc. Also, is breeding easier with the False perc? Would a False and True pair mate? :notsure:


New Member
Originally Posted by Crox
I wouldn't buy fish at Petland. I know that Petlands up here suck. They are worst than *****.

Are you experienced with breeding the false perc clown? I want to start breeding, and think this fish to be a good starting place because of the success others have had. I have one false perc (I think--it looks like the ones in the pictures). Not quite sure how to continue. Get one more, several more? Get a mated pair? also, I know that these fish do not require the host anenome, but would the host be required for successful breeding? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by geyerpd
Are you experienced with breeding the false perc clown? I want to start breeding, and think this fish to be a good starting place because of the success others have had. I have one false perc (I think--it looks like the ones in the pictures). Not quite sure how to continue. Get one more, several more? Get a mated pair? also, I know that these fish do not require the host anenome, but would the host be required for successful breeding? :notsure:

I don't breed clowns but one day I'll try doing that. I have a lot experience breeding angels, discus and dwarf chiclids.