clownfish id??


New Member
what type of clown is this? I was told that is was a wild caught percula. I can't find anything else that looks like it. the middle stripe doesn't connect. it is probably one of the most active clowns I've ever seen and the color is amazing. check the pics and let me know. in advance sorry about the quality I took them with my cell...



looks like a perc
the misbarred stripes doesnt really mean a different species just something in the genes i guess


Not 100% sure but I thought the broken bands were more prevalent in tank raised fish.
Can anyone confirm or correct this?


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Looks like a misbarred Oscellaris to me. You could be right Firedog.
thats what i thought at first but in the third pic there seems to be a lot of dark inbetween the stripes


New Member
I was just wondering. he's beat up a maroon clown and in the store he was beating up a tank raised perc. I guess he's gone stay lonely then...


Originally Posted by nickp123
halo frk what's your gamertag? mine's spike12381. maybe I'll see you in halo 2
im a deprived young child lol... my parents wont let me LIVE cuz they saw im addicted to XBOX enough as it is lol

reef diver

Active Member
halo frk what's your gamertag? mine's spike12381. maybe I'll see you in halo 2
hey nickp123 ill see you in halo 2, my gamertag is The Smart ZUnit, please dont make fun, i was walking my dog, while creating my gamertag, and my friend messed it up, wanna play on live some time?


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
halo frk how old are u, im a freshman in hs, i bought my own live.
im a freshmen too but my parents wont let me still