Clownfish Jumped



:( I had two clownfish (false) for the last six months. Happy, healthy and strong. Harry & Ron (well, Harry became Harriette). Harry grew larger and Ron stayed the same. They have a rock that they pretend is an anenome... but they sleep at the top of the tank.
At night, the glass covers are on, so the only exposed part of the tank is in the back by the filters. I found Ron alone and seemingly upset this morning. I then found Harry on the carpet behind the tank :( . I am sooooooooooo sad. I often thought that if I could only have two fish, it would be Harry and Ron. They were frolicking just last night. They were almost never apart.
Should I have done something differently? The tank needs some open air, yes? Was this a fluke? Should I try to replace her for Ron?


Sorry to hear your loss, Sandy. I just lost a sixline myself.
I don't think you should replace Harriette, because you'll go over the whole cycle all over again. By cycle I mean going from male to female cycle. Chances of you getting the right one, IMO is very small compared to the chances of you getting the new one harrassed by Ron.
I don't know how, but fishes manage to find the hole to jump out of. I'm a little traumatized myself, so now every morning I check all my fishes.
Sorry cannot help you more than this :( .
Hope you feel better...


Thank you so much for the reply. Sorry to hear about your sixline. Strange how attached I can be to a fish. I'm just quiet and sulky at work today.
I was reading that false percs are the easiest of all the clowns to get to bond if given a chance with the same species? What do ya'll think? I don't want to make a mistake. (Naso.. this is first I've heard about not replacing her). I don't want to cause a problem, and I don't want Ron to get lethargic and depressed. These clowns were really bonded and fun to watch.
Also... LFS said cover the entire tank. Kinda contrary to what I've heard here. :( Don't know what to do.


New Member
While I dont know much (yet...) about SW fish....I can say that with my fresh water I have fish that commit suicide all the time.....first I moved the stereo a littel further away from the tank...(dont think fish like They Might Be Giants). Then I played with the lighting (tried to chear them up)....but alas I usually have at least one fish every couple months think they need to evolve a little and become a land I think it is just a thing for a fish to jump ship (or tank in this instance).


Staff member
Harriett probably got spooked in the middle of the night, and just jumped [half dazed from sleep]. Clowns are not jumpers. The best way to avoid this from happening again with a clownfish is to give it a host. The host does not necessarily have to be an anemone either. Anthelias make excellent hosts and require little care or attention. WO a host, many clowns will hang out at the top of tank around the PH's etc., thus running the risk of something like this happening. With clowns, you just need to keep the top where they hang out at night covered...or lower the PH down further in the tank.
If you hurry and get a bigger female, you might be able to pair your widower clownfish before he gets set in his ways wo a female to guide him thru the life! LOL :D


Beth, thanks for the response. That is exactly what I thought happened.
Okay, what is it and where do I buy one? LFS is closed on Mondays. Other LFS getting shipment tonight and recommends that I wait 3 days to pick up new fish. (That the new fish stay in their tanks treated with copper for 3 days -- is this too long for my "widower"?).


Staff member
Well, the best thing to do with a new fish, is to QT it for 3 wks. If you are going to place a new fish directly into a tank, then do as the LFS suggests, and let him keep it for 3 days for treatments at the LFS. You never really want to get a fish that just arrived at the LFS anyway. You don't know what condition that fish is in, etc. Make sure that the new fish is either the same size as Harriet, or bigger.