Clownfish Lathargic


What does this mean, it doesn't really eat, but when a fish comes by, it gets agressive, it is camping out in a little alcove in the rock. I feed them, on a normal basis, but he/she doesn't eat! Just swims there maybe breathing a little harder then normal, but what should I do? lvls in the tank are fine!


Active Member
What kind of clown and how long have you had it? What are the other fish? Not eating and breathing hard aren't good signs. :D


percula I think, the orange ones with white, (nubish sounding right now) like nemo (sorry!!!!! :( ) had him almost 2 weeks, one zerba looking damsel and 2 blue ones, and a bicolor blenny and a mandrian


Active Member
A few weeks is way to soon to be adding fish.... especially that amount. Are you sure the tank cycled? The clown is probably stressed. :D


I was told by a few people that adding live rock does a immediate cycle of the tank within 24 hours... correct ?


Active Member
Unfortunately... Incorrect. Most cycles last for weeks, some longer. LR won't cycle a tank in 24HRS. Sorry :D
You said your water perameters were fine... What are they? What have you tested?
Adding LR is beneficial to your tank but will not cycle your tank in 24 hrs.:nervous: YOu have just been misinformed.
So, what you need to do is check for Ammonia and NitrITES... YOu can buy the "dip sticks" but a good test kit is best. You should have seen your ammonia and NitrITES go UP and then drop off... Then you need to start testing for NITRATES.... Nitrates are the last or end result of a complete cycle...some nitrates are OK... Cycling can take over a month, even with LR and Live sand. People often use damsels as well to cycle their tank and thats OK, but let me tell you, they can be BUGGERS to get out after your done cycling. ....
I bet your fish are stressed.... Please check your ammonia and nirtites.. Let us know what they are and we can go from there.
If you have a QT set up, go ahead and put the clown in there. I had to keep a fish in a QT once and it wasnt set up (emergancy situation) so, to keep it from cycling I did water changes every 2 days... Once my display tank was ready for my fish, I acclimated him back.... I had an ICH situation at the begining.. 3 yrs ago, so had to remove fish and let my tank sit for a MONTH without fish, to KILL off the ICH..... Thats why he was in QT. Darn *****!! Learned some lessons the HARD way!
Do you have any books on SWF tanks? Maybe you should grab one... I have 3 or 4 always good idea to have around.
Hope this helps, Kim
Oh BTW... PLEASE PLEASE return the Manderine, he is now on DEATH ROW... They need a very mature tank with lots of LR to sustain them.
Maybe you will get a credit for him. Maybe you could talk to the manager and tell him something like
"I told the salesman my tank was a few weeks old and he sold me a manderine, now I read up on them and my tank will not sustain him" Also, tell him that you look for the employees knowlege and you feel you were misled!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
Also, again PLEASE buy a BOOK, Maybe "SWF for dummies", I got it and others too & read up on SWF for about 2 months BEFORE I even bought a tank.
I am nervous that you dont know what "cycled" means.. thats the FIRST step ...... Please dont feel bad, Its great that your asking questions... We can all help you straighten this out.....
NO PROBLEMS, thats why we are all here, to help, educate, compliment and have fun...
Good Luck, Kim


He have all done inexperienced mistakes, However, we learn the hard way (usually through death of livestock, expenses, or both). This wont be the last mistake you make, unless you heed the warnings of the group( This group knows what it is talking about, trust me). Some may sound abrasive at times, but they try to drive the point home. Dont get discouraged, it is a great hobby. Of coursse you will need to get an additional job like the rest of us to pay for it.LOL