Clownfish layed eggs ???


I have 2 ocellaris clownfish that were in a 75gal reef tank now ive seen eggs before ( no clue what happend to them ) I went and got a 10gal tank to put the rock with the eggs on it into the 10gal i put a little bit more live rock in to about 3-4lbs total.
The tank came with a 18watt light ,heater,and a 10gal filter . I put a zoo-med power sweep 214 ( about 160gph opened a tiny bit to help move water)
i also put spong's over the filter so nothing would get sucked up into it .no sand on the bottom of tank just 6 small pic.of rock
My ? is will this work and if so how long will the eggs hatch. will post pic as soon as i can...Thank you 4 looking and helping


Active Member
yeah well that link is the best thing to read but incase u dont want to... basically if u took them out the first day they prolly wont hatch cause the parents take care of them in the take and airate them so they can stay alive... usually they are in eggs for about 7-10 days depending on the species of clownfish but you will know when its time for them to hatch when the eyes of the fish inside the eggs turn silver. This is when you usually tranfer them to another tank and run an air pump so the air bubbles go next to them to airate them until they hatch. once they hatch they have enough food in the remaining yolk sac for about a day but after that they rely on being fed rotifers. plus you car best off doing this in a tank with no rocks or sand because the tank has to be vacumed every day to keep the NH3 down because all these babies do is eat and ---- so there is a lot to keep up with. plus the tank that you usually do it in doesnt have enough of the bacteria which breaks the ammonia down....
so anyway what im getting to is that hatching them isnt as easy as you think :) and requires a lot of planning and thought. i suggest getting the book Clownfish... i read this book and it helps a lot... read the book last year and have been planning since then to attempt to raise a batch of clowns this summer... we will see how i do.


Thank you so much 4 the info ,I now think i should put the clowns back into the 75gal ,i put them into the 10gal with the eggs. you were right i need to plan this out some more . thank you