Clownfish not eating


I have a 50g, 75lbsLR, 50lbsLS tank that has been up for about 4 months very successfully. I have added one False Percula about 2.5 months ago, and this weekend I added a bubble coral and a Midas Blenny. I also have a clean up crew of hermits and snails. I lost a Banggai Cardinal who never ate after introduction . My water quality had remined high with 0 ammonia and nitrites and Nitrates below 5.
My clown has been healthy and happy since the day I introduced him. However this weekend, he has stopped eating. This was both before and after I introduced the new fish and coral. I feed vitamin enriched brine shrimp, prime reef, and Formula 1 Flake. I wondered what action I could take and how long I could let this go on with no change in feeding. The Blenny has already started eating well and there is no obvious conflict between the two fish.


I would continue doing what you are doing, but don't overfeed hoping it will eat. You don't want to have an increase on ammonia. You might want to take a water sample to your lfs and compare it with your readings.


Thanks for the info. I actually did take in a sample last night and they found the same water quality I did although my pH was a little on the high side (nothing extreme). This is a change however, since I had been at 8.0 for a long time, so he may be stressed by that. I also bought some live brine shrimp to try and get him to start eating and he ignored them. I'm just going to have to wait it out and see what happens. I really think he is reacting to the new fish now and hopefully he'll snap out of it.
You clown might still be eating but just not the food your feeding it. One thing i love to do is watch my clowns swim around the live rock and then stop dead in there tracks. Peer at the rock with there big ole eyes and *WHAP*... snatch a small little clear animal, im not sure what there called but its those little things that roam around your rocks when the lights are out... So maybe there just eating the live stuff thats on your rocks.