So I decided to get two clownfish on Friday morning for my newly cycled tanks. So far they are not eating. At first they completely ignored all food. Today however, they have gone after the food only to spit it out bite at it again and spit it out until it sinks to the bottom. I've tried to feed them mysis shrimp, formula 2, 2 different types of flakes, another combination of frozen food, and krill. So far they went for the flake once only to completely ignore it after tasting it. With mysis and formula 2 I've observed the spitting behavior. I'm starting to get concerned. I checked all my parameters and everything is where it should be with the exception of my nitrate being at 20ppm. I did a water change today but I'm slightly concerned. They seem healthy enough. I've observed that they like to hang out and sleep in the top right corner at night. During the day they hang out at the bottom right corner and when I have the tank lights on (for several hours) they swim all around the tank except for into the little cave. Sometimes when I approach the tank they retreat behind the rocks and slowly poke their heads out. Any advice?