clownfish question


I'm going to be getting a pair of false perc's... Is it worth it to spend the $100 or so and get an already mated pair? Or is it just a better idea to spend the $15/ea and get 2 of them and let them end up doing their thing (hopefully). What are my odds?


Active Member
I vote for plan B. Two juveniles will most often form a bonded pair and sometimes will mate. How important is it to have an actual "mated" pair? Do you have the means to raise the fry?
If you're simply wanting a pair of clowns that will hang together, buy two juvies and you'll likely get what you want.


Active Member
I agree . Unless you have the time , room , and equipment to raise fry just get two juveniles .


thats what I figured... I didn't see the worth in going the "mated" pair route... juvies it is!


The extra cost is for a pair that will successfully breed. If that isn't what you want then go for the juveniles.