clownfish sex question


If you add 2 female GSM clowns to a tank and they don't kill each other, will the smaller turn back into a male? I have 2 that get along just fine, host the same anemone, erh well the smaller one is right by it all the time and sometimes in it.
I keep seeing on the board that female will not chance to male. If they don't I'm going to get rid of the 2 and go back to a true perc or a black onyx pair.


Active Member
Females will not turn back into males. Once they make the change from male to female, they can't go back. The two female GSMs will fight until one (or both) of them are dead.
Being that you have two that are getting along and even sharing the same anemone, my guess is that one of them is male (smaller one probably). How do you know they are both females?


They were each in separate tanks for over a month. We put them together at the store and they got along. The larger one kept trying to pull the smaller clown into the anemone which was quite amusing to watch. Sometimes when I'm watching them I get the feeling that they are both females.
When I had my pair of true percs there behaved much more like a pair.
I guess it's hard to explain.
Thanks for the reply though :)


Can male clown fish turn into female clown fish? how do you know if one is a female or male? :notsure:


Active Member
sounds like they are still pretty young and have not fully differentiated yet so I think you are fine. It takes a few months for them to change so I think everything will be fine. In a few months, the larger one will become female and the other will stay male. Sounds like they have already paired up and have figured out who is who.
As to Nancy's question, clownfish are born hermaphrodites with male being the default. They are all males until one becomes dominant then changes into female with the next most dominant becoming the male and they will usually chase off any other clowns to defend their territory (or they will stick around until they mature). Should something happen to the female, the dominant male will change to female and another clown will become the dominant male.
This is why two females will never get along, they are used to being the top and only female in their territory and females will fight to the death if placed into a tank together.


I have a clown that is about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. He has been in my tank for over a month by himself. If I get another small one, will they be alright?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nancysalt
I have a clown that is about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. He has been in my tank for over a month by himself. If I get another small one, will they be alright?
Just get a small one from a group but dont get the biggest one from the group and it will be a male and no matter what yours is now then they should be able to work it out.


Grog, the larger GSM is about 3-4 inches while the other is about 1 - 1.5 inches. I don't know if it helps but I dunno either :p. I've made up my mind and I'm going back to true percs.
I love the attitude of the GSM. Its so fun to make them mad by putting a plastic clown clip near them or a rock. They will be missed. I wish I had a large enough tank for 2 types of clowns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WLA1610
Grog, the larger GSM is about 3-4 inches while the other is about 1 - 1.5 inches. I don't know if it helps but I dunno either :p. I've made up my mind and I'm going back to true percs.
I love the attitude of the GSM. Its so fun to make them mad by putting a plastic clown clip near them or a rock. They will be missed. I wish I had a large enough tank for 2 types of clowns.
You most definately have a female and a male with the male being smaller.
If you made up your mind, then go with it. Just know that many/most tank raised percs won't take to anemones. Mine have totally ignored my anemone for 2-1/2 years and finally decided to host in my open brain coral. just food for thought.


The pair of percs I had before took to the anemone. Then again, when I bought them, they were in an anemone at the store. :) I shouldn't have any problems with an anemone.
Thanks again