Clownfish-should I be concerned?



I have two clownfish and they both open their mouths a lot. One of them does it more then the other. This guy also seems to be a darker orange right on the top of his body (along his back-sorry I don't know proper fish vocab). Could the darkness be from lighting? I had very low lighting and just upgraded.
There is definitely no gasping of air, it is just like they are sucking in water.
I just tested and have
nitrites = .1
ammonia = 0 (could possibly be a tiny bit higher....between 0 and .2 but I think this is just paranoia because of the nitrites and if the nitrites weren't up and I looked at the ammonia test I would say O)
nitrates = 5
salinity = 1.024
temp = 74-75
in a 29G with 30 pounds LR
I don't know how the nitrites could be up without the ammonia being up. I know inverts are more effected by nitrites than fish and my shrimp are doing very well.
Should I be concerned about the clowns? And should I just do water changed to clean up the nitrite level? Should I just wait a bit?


how old is you tank?? in na cycled tank you should have none of the nitrites or trates. What kind of filter are your runnning on the tank??an increase in the reading could be from the newly upgraded lights (possible but i doubt it) or it could mean that you do not have evough filtration on your tank. (more probable). what kind of pumps and how do you have the tank set up?


Hi Molly:
I'm not sure if this will help but...We have two ocellaris clowns. The smaller of the two has always had a bit of blackish color along his back (I say his because with a pair of clowns the larger will be the female). We have had them for two months and their colors have stayed consitant. Our clowns also open and sometimes seem to keep their mouths open while swimming around the tank. Our readings are normal for a cylced tank and we have lighting to support mushrooms and anenomes.
I hope our experience is helpful!


Are they look alike? at least same body shape
Are they together or in the opposite coner of the tank?
What side are they?
Is their other fishs in your tank?
Clown open thier mouth alot meanning that they are declare their territories.
post back


Nitrites are at 0 again. My entire aquarium experience so far seems to be one based on overreaction.
The two clowns are in love. I got them together and they have been hanging out together ever since. They swim together -all- of the time. One is a bit bigger and has the darker back. The other is smaller and more bright orange.
I only have one cardinalfish in there (besides inverts), he has been in for two weeks, and lately everyone is hanging out. He has his own space though, he likes to hover in the middle while they like to stay near the top.
I think it is cool and I just need to relax.
Thanks for all of the help!